The Beginning

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Next morning I woke up startled when I felt someone snatching the duvet off of me. 

I quickly sat up on the bed only to see Alexander glaring at me with his hand clutching the blanket I was using just moments ago. Confused at his rude behaviour, I stared up at him questionably. What does he want?

He walked towards me and it nearly gave me a heart attack. It's because he looked incredibly angry, like he wanted to murder me. I quickly crawled over to the other side of the bed to put some safe distance between us.

I let out a scream when he caught my foot and pulled me right under him. I looked at him shocked but he simply gripped my wrists and pinned it above my head, caging me. I struggled to free myself but he refused to let go. I turned to look at him, to tell him to leave me alone, but froze when I saw him intently staring at me. The anger from earlier completely wiped out from his face and  was replaced with something else. Flustered by the sudden attention, my face started heating up. 

"What are you doing?" My voice seemed to have snapped him out of whatever daze he was in. He abruptly stood up.

"It's already past five in the morning. Just how long do you plan on sleeping?! Hurry up and make breakfast for me!" Saying that he walked out slamming the door shut.

What the heck!

I stared at the door for a second trying to understand what just happened. I glanced at the watch to see the time and It was only 5:10 in the morning. Sighing, I stretched and went to the bathroom to freshen up and went to the kitchen to cook something. I looked for Valerie on the way but was surprised to find no staff from yesterday. 

Shrugging, I started making breakfast for the both of us. 

Just as I finished I heard loud footsteps and saw a scowling Alexander making his way towards the dining table situated right in front of the kitchen.

I took the plates with me and placed it in front of him as soon as he sat down and placed a cup of coffee to help him with his hangover. Not once did I meet his eyes. I don't want to admit it but I'm a little scared of him.

I placed my plate in the seat opposite to him and was about to sit when his stern voice stopped me "What do you think you're doing?" 

"I don't even want to see your ugly face so early in the morning. Why do you think you are allowed to eat with me?" I flinched at his cold comment.

"Eat after you're done with your house chores." He sneered at me.

"House chores?"  

"You wanted to be my wife right? So as a good wife you should do all your duties. I want you to make this house spotless clean. Not even a small stain should be visible. I have some clothes I want you to wash it with your hands. When I come back from work I want dinner ready by six." 

He smirked before his expression turned to one of malice. "Remember, if you fail to do so you'll face consequences you won't like." 

My mouth was hung open by his words. The audacity of this man! He wants me to clean this huge mansion on my own? Is he kidding?! 

"I can't do all of that by myself." I said in an incredulous voice. I finally understood the absence of all the staffs today.

"So what you're saying is, you only want the title of 'Knight' beside your name but don't want to bear the responsibilities that comes with it?" He said with disgust.

"That is not what I meant. This place is huge. I'm just saying i can't do it on my own." I said when in fact I wanted to say 'what responsibility? You think the work of a wife is to just clean and cook!', totally offended by his comment. But I was too sacred to say anything.

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