𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞(5)

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Sometimes people are intimidated not because you're intelligent, but they fear your presence may make them conscious of their ignorance



So are u giving u chance? For this relationship? "Your father in law asked u both"

Yes, i guess but I have some condition and rules as a wife she had to obey my terms "mrs.Jeon sighed, stared at his disbelief"

Is it personal terms are normal terms? "Mrs.jeon gazed at him intensively knowing his son mindset"

First I will explain normal terms after that i explain about personal terms were we both can discuss "mrs.jeon nodded"

Firstly mom, if I have to accept y/n as my wife she need to learn today's culture,dressing style and her mentality"he said while checking"

Secondly she need to complete her degree atleast in 2 years "knowing You're illiterate he is humiliating u"

Thirdly she need to be independent I want my wife to stand on her own feet....this are normal terms if you ask me about personal terms we will discuss about that privately"mrs.jeon sighed knowing once jungkook decided something he won't back off from that decision."

Then you guys can talk about this matter personally so, we should leave now honey "mr.jeon wasn't satisfied by his son's behaviour"

If u try to hurt remember this Jeon jungkook you will see my worst side of mine "mr.jeon warned him briefly cause y/n is his sister daughter who means alot to him"

Fine you don't need to be scared old man "he rolled his eyes showing them exist of the room when mr.jeon and mrs.jeon left the room. You guys are all alone, jungkook went towards the nightstand held his red wine bottle pouring it on the glass"

He chugged the whole bottle within 15 minutes, his gaze turned towards your direction were you still standing they clutching on your dress

Feeling intimidated by his gaze you looked away, he chuckled darkly made his way towards yours making u feel anxious and scared of that moment all you thought about yesterday night events

Where he sucked your breath away from your lungs making u feel all exhausted just by few hickeys and bites of your body

You can't even imagine what will happen if he actually fucked you hard in this bed, you're not innocent but a virgin. You know about making love cause your grandmother Bora told you everything. This must be crazy in this 20 century who will wear kimino or hanbok like in 18 or 17 century people

Jungkook never in his life thought he will be blessed by this goddess like creature as his wife but disappointed at the same time if she is an literate they will be a chance to impress this cold doctor

He brushed his thoughts away and now he is focused

Do u know what are my personal terms? "You shook your head not knowing what he will ask u, you were scared by his intimidated Aroma"

Well listen to me carefully I.DONT.BELIVE.IN.LOVE so becareful the name of love got it? "You flinched by his stren voice, you stare at with your dark orbs making him more furious"

Tears are sinister in my perspective, remember to avoid it when i am around got it? "You nodded your head like an obedient"

My first rule for our personal terms i won't touch until you want me or should I say u beg me"a nasty smirk plastered on his face"

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