sleepover 2

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Y/n:(I opened the door to see the boys holding pillows and blankets.) Oh hey guys what's up?

Klaus: since we haven't had a sleepover with you we thought maybe we should have one now.

El Matador:Can we y/n?

Y/n:*smiles*sure guys besides it's only fare since Tiger,North, Blok and C.J already had a sleepover with me so yes we can have a sleepover now. Come in.

The boys:wahoo!

3rd person:y/n let the boys in and they all picked places where they were going to sleep. Y/n on the bed Tiger and C.J next to her on he floor on the left North and Blok on the right side and Shakes, El Matador and Klaus at the end of her bed on the floor and Rasta and Big Booty on her two couches.

Y/n:alright then what movie do you guys want to watch?

The boys:TMNT(2016)!

Y/n:alright then.

3rd person:y/n turned off the lights then put the movie on.

Y/n:hey guys. Who's your favorite turtle?

North:definitely Raph his so cool.

C.J:Donnie for me.

Klaus:I like Mikey.

Shakes:I think Leo is cool.which one is your favorite y/n?

Y/n:I don't have a favorite they are all cool.

3rd person:they all were injoying the movie but then Klaus had to pee.

Klaus:I have to pee.

The boys:ugh!

North:Klaus I swear you need to see a doctor about your peeing problem.

El Matador:I agree you need help.

Y/n:guys don't be mean go ahead Klaus besides many people have problems with their bladers but I do agree you should get that checked up just incase but go to the toilet Klaus we will wait don't worry.

Klaus:thanks y/n*goes to toilet*

Shakes:okay then. What do you guys want to do in the meantime?

Dancing Rasta:y/n why dont you tell us about what you like doing?

Y/n:okay.well I love animals I'm good at surfing. I play music in my free time I also write books when I'm bored. I love star gazing. I listen to peaceful music on rainy days I light my fire place and then put the music on I dim the lights and watch a calm movie.

Tiger:sounds cozy.

Y/n:oh it is you guys should try it but I mostly do it on my period.

Big Bo:Makes sense.

Klaus:I'm back let's carry on.


3rd person:they all proceeded with the movie but when that movie was over y/n put on Scooby-Doo about half an hour Rasta, Bo, Klaus, North an Blok fell asleep which left Tiger,C.J, Shakes, El Matador and y/n awake. So y/n turned off the T.V and spoke to the boys who were still awake.

Y/n:*whispers*Did you guys like the sleepover?

C.J:second greatest sleepover.

Shakes:yeah this sleepover was actually quite fun even though we only watched movies and spoke.

Tiger:you don't have many sleepovers do you Shakes?

Shakes:what makes you say that?

El Matador:Cause insleepovers you mostly watch movies and talk.

Y/n:for me it's different but with you guys I'm calm but I go all out when with my other friends we have pillow fights and kinda get sugar rushes that makes us run around the house crazy and we get scared quickly we even watch scary movies. weren't kidding.

Shakes:I wouldn't mind doing all of that.


Y/n:maybe next time guys.

3rd person:after a few minutes y/n noticed Tiger and C.J fell asleep so she thought it was time for them to sleep too.

Y/n:night guys.

Shakes:night y/n

El Matador:goodnight.

3rd person:it was the next morning and coach was up first and got ready for when they return to the harbor.

Coach:(I should get the boys up since we will be arriving soon. I went to their rooms and they weren't their so I thought I should go ask y/n.I knocked on her door but there wants any answer so I went in to see the boys asleep and y/n was asleep to.) Well that solves one mystery but that doesn't explain why they are in y/n's room I'll ask them later. Maybe y/n will wake them up since she wakes up at 6.*leaves room*(maybe I should leave a text to y/n to say we will be arriving soon.)


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