Action Needed Immediately.

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You deserved so much better.

And the sad part?

You knew that.

Over the past few months being with König, you were patient with him. Bending over backwards to make sure he was always happy or at least content.

Using every fiber of your body to please the toxic fuck-head.

But just like everyone else, you had your breaking points. Anytime you tried to leave, König lured you back in with false promises and unforgettable make up sex.

A manipulative cycle that you grew accustomed to.

It was always baffling how you always came crawling back to König, practically on your hands and knees. Even when you swore up and down that you would leave him if he fucked you over again.

You never did...

Sitting in the middle of your living room, you felt defeated with hot tears falling uncontrollably down your cheeks as you take in the aftermath of König's drunken rampage.

Another hole decorated the wall.

A door ripped from the hinges.

Shattered glass sprinkled the floor from dishes being smashed.

A mixture of his clothes and your clothes thrown out from your shared master bedroom.

And worst of all, your body littered with bruises...

This was your relationship.

Looking up at the ceiling, your arms draped your sides, with your hands open as you prayed to a god, a higher being, someone — fucking anyone at this point who will listen to your pleas.

"Please please pleaseee..." you adjured in a whisper, pinching your eyes shut as the final tears sloped down your face. "Anything...Give. Me. Anything...but this...I'm so tired. I can't keep doing this...I can't keep doing this shit anymore!"

As if a sign from the universe, your phone chimed with a text message.

At first, you expected it was König, but you knew he was too heated to worry about his phone right now.

Slowly getting up on your feet, you walk over to your phone which was faced down on the counter, picking it up and noticing that your phone screen was cracked. It too fell victim to König wrath.

Looking past that, your eyes read the text, it was from Krueger.

'Hey. You okay, Süsse? I saw König barge into the training room a few minutes ago. Seemed pretty pissed off...'

It was honestly embarrassing knowing people outside of your relationship knew.

With a heavy sigh, you type back with a simple coded word.


Within seconds, Krueger called and you answer before it got through the first ring.

Bringing the phone up to your ear, you keenly listened to what Krueger instructed, his German accent was smooth and sweet-sounding, but given the circumstances, you heard the stern tone in his voice.

"Süßes Mädchen, pack some clothes. You're staying with me a few days. I'll be there in 10."

"Thank you." You hoarsely say.

Krueger noticed your voice was slightly raspy and worn out from the prior screaming match.

"Natürlich, mein Mädchen."

Hanging up the phone and he could feel his blood boiling with anger. He could only imagine how bad things had gotten this time. But there was no time to worry about that right now.

Krueger needed to get you out of there and fast.

Without any delay, you grabbed a bag from your closet and started to shove all your essentials and any of your clothes in it, not paying attention to what you packed. You just packed.

You were just about finished until the walls of your room lit up from a car's headlights. Krueger had pulled into your driveway and lightly tapping on his horn giving a rhythmic few beeps, signaling that he arrived.

Getting the last of your things, you take one last look around, soaking in all of the chaotic energy.

All because you can't handle your liquor, König...

Turning on your heel, you leave your broken home, making your way to the sanctuary of Krueger's car.

His warm autumn eyes followed you, making out your disheveled appearance. His grip tightened around the steering wheel as he didn't have to get a close look at you to see all the shit you endured.

Your eyes were puffy from crying your eyes out. The way your hair looked, it was as if you or König were pulling at the roots. And what pissed Krueger off more than anything...was the massive bruise around your neck, indicating that König had choked you.

When you climbed into his passenger seat, he turned down his music to where it was barely audible.

"König is lucky that he is not here..." Krueger muttered to you as he put the car in reverse and drove off. "Das nächste Mal, wenn ich diesen Bastard sehe..."

"Can we just not talk about him right now?" You cut it in, uncomfortable with the enmity that radiated off of him. Your eyes look out the window, distracting your senses with the outside scenery.

Krueger's hand rubbed his chin and lips as he could feel himself spiraling into a dark place within him.

He never understood how a man could easily lay their hands on a woman...especially if they claimed they 'loved' them.

Taking a few breaths in and out, he managed to calm himself and focused on you. Reaching over, Krueger's hand gently found yours, catching you off guard at first. The warmth of his hand was enough to settle down your nerves.

"Es tut mir Leid, y/n. I know I'm probably not helping with my attitude. Let's just get back to my place and we'll discuss more there." He says giving your hand a small squeeze.

"It's okay, don't apologize, Sebastian. It's not your fault." You reassure him with a saddened smile. 

No, it wasn't my fault. It's his...and the next time I see that motherfucker, his teeth will be down his throat.

Krueger's heart ached for you, with the question being:

How much more of your happiness were you willing to sacrifice before König kills you?

Though, no one knew the answer, he had a feeling if you didn't leave König for good, everyone might find out the outcome sooner rather than later.

Krueger x Y/N | Fem : Savior Where stories live. Discover now