Introduction and warnings

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⭕If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can leave.

⭕If you don't like BI, this fanfiction is not for you

⭕If you find my fanfiction's some parts similar with any stories, novels, dramas or anything then it's an coincidence

⭕Mature fanfiction, childish and funny also

Introduction :

•Shinosuke Nohara

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•Shinosuke Nohara

•16 years old

•Loves action kamen, his family, friends and specially Kazama

•Personality : Childish, funny, flirty, mature and emotional on rare times

•Cute, crackhead, clumsy baby for his boyfriend

*Afraid of his mom, Nene and Kazama's anger and punishment 🌚

•Loves red and yellow

•Always making everything laugh, brightening up everyone's day

•Lives in Kasukabe, Korea

•Later lives with Parents

•Few months later, Shift in Kazama's apartment where he lives alone

Boyfriend : Kazama

Boyfriend : Kazama

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•Toru Kazama

•16 years old

•Loves moypee, his family, friends and specially Shinchan

•Personality : Cold, funny sometimes, mature, flirty with his boyfriend, overthinking, childish on rare times

•Cold, careful, good handler and handsome jerk for his boyfriend

•Afraid of his mom's disappointment towards him, bad grades, and his boyfriend's beautiful action kamen slippers

•Loves blue

•Always making everyone fall in love with him and having many fangirls/fanboys

•Lives till birth Kasukabe, Japan

•Later moved away from his parents and bought an apartment

•Few months later, Shinchan shifted at his apartment

•Boyfriend : Shinchan

•Boyfriend : Shinchan

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•Sakura Nene

•16 years old

•Loves dramas, her family, friends and specially Masao

•Personality : Bossy, girly, cold sometimes, sweet, aggressive and scary monster while angry, dramatic, childish, serious and emotional on rare times

•Afraid of not being selected, nothing else :)

•Loves red and pink

•Always making everyone obey her orders and comforting her friends when they are in bad mood or sad

•Lives till birth Kasukabe, Japan

•Still living with her parents

•Boyfriend : Single for now, in future Masao

•Boyfriend : Single for now, in future Masao

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•Masao Chan

•16 years old

•Loves comics, his family, friends and specially Nene

•Personality : Scaredy cat, emotional, immature, childish, cute and mature+hot on rare times

•Afraid of bullies, his mom's scoldings, and Nene's anger

•Loves green

•Always making everyone awe at his innocence

•Lives till birth Kasukabe, Japan

•Still living with his parents

•Girlfriend : Single in future Nene

•Girlfriend : Single in future Nene

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•Bo Chan

•16 years old

•Loves stones, his family, friends, and specially Satuome Ai

•Personality : Rock obsessed, introvert asf, always nodding, smart and genius

•Afraid of nothing

•Loves yellow

•Always making everyone confuse is he mute

•Lives in China until he turned 4 years old, he shifted to Kasukabe, Japan

•Still living with his parents

•Girlfriend : Ai Satuome on present time

(I introduced you with the main 5 leads of this story, hope you understand it!)

Btw, Kazama is top here

Masao and Bo's characters are different because I couldn't find their fanarts

Thank you, for giving attention to this fanfiction! I hope I will make you satisfied with this fanfiction, if I don't and if this fanfiction doesn't match your likes, I'm extremely sorry..

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