beginning of sweet love

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~Never meant to be^•

"I look so handsome, doesn't I?" A kid said, probably 5 years old. looking at the reflection of his on the big shiny mirror.

He was wearing a red school uniform which has his name tag. "Shinigo Nohara". And his dark short pants is just giving the vibes of cuteness. Satisfied with his look, he smirk. "My family is so lucky to have an only son who is so handsome!" He says and wink at his reflection. But who will tell him that he has a twin?

After looking at his own reflection for a while, he finally decided to leave for school as his mom called him for breakfast. He almost forgot his black coat, so he came back to the room, wears it and goes back to the downstairs.


His face and hair :

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His face and hair :

His face and hair :

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School bag :

"Shinigo, you never wake up late, so why did you wake up late today?" Hiroshi Nohara said looking at his son who just came in the room

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"Shinigo, you never wake up late, so why did you wake up late today?" Hiroshi Nohara said looking at his son who just came in the room. Hiroshi was sitting on the green carpet and reading a newspaper, but as he sense his son's presence, he folds it and puts it down on the circle shaped table.

(Sorry to disturb all of a sudden, about Shinigo's introduction means who is Shinosuke's twin brother, I will give it on the chapter 3.)

Shinigo bows 50° at his father and then says "Good morning, father. Sorry I just woke up a little bit late today.." he awkwardly smiles, as he can't tell them he was admiring his own face all the time. Because if he tells, it would be embrassing.

While Hiroshi chuckles at his well mannered son, who just talks only in professional way. "Why so professional infront of your parents? Chill, we won't scold you for that" Hiroshi exclaims. Sipping his tea.

"Oh uh, about that.." he tries to find an answer.


"OY, HIROSHI NOHARA!! YOU'RE GETTING LATE FOR YOUR OFFICE, YOU SHOULD BE IN HURRY BUT YOU'RE SIPPING TEA HERE PEACEFULLY!?" Misae Nohara shouts at her husband, fuming in anger. "Get ready before I kill you with my chappals-" Misae got cutted of by Shinigo "Uhm mother, Let him be, I was chatting with him so there's possibilities that he forgot about the time being focused on the chat.." Shinigo says before his mom explodes out with anger. "Fine, And you Hiroshi! Get ready quickly, you're lucky because of Shinigo" Misae says, sighing. "And yes, good morning to you too, Shinigo." Misae says as she gives a warm smile to Shinigo, which he replies back with a small smile.
"You're ready, eat your dinner fast. You're getting late!" Misae says. "Okay, and thanks for the breakfast, mother!" Shinigo says before he dines in the breakfast.


"School bus has came, go go quickly" Misae says to his son who's wearing his shoes in a hurry. "Good bye mother" he slightly bows.

"Good morning, Shinigo." A woman said. Nearly 25 years old. Her orange hair tied up in a ponytail. As she gives a sweet smile. "Good morning, Yoshinaga ma'am" Shinigo says and bows in 90°. "Come on, get on quickly" Yoshinaga says as she stands on the side making space for Shinigo to enter.


Shinigo sits on the back seat where his 4 friends were already present.

He sits on the middle. On his right, is Masao. And on his left his Kazama. Masao and Nene was laughing at Bo's joke. While Kazama was admiring his best friend who is also his secret crush. While Shinigo was closing his eyes and leaning more back.

"Why are you so.. so perfect?" Kazama mumbles. "Huh?" Shinigo says because he couldn't hear it. "No.. nothing.." Kazama says shaking his head.

Continue at chapter 2!


Words : 628 words

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