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Lily was the "firecracker" of the Potter family. She was an energetic, kind, loving and graceful young woman. She had long wavy ginger hair that reached her waist, gorgeous hazel eyes, a few freckles on her face and a blinding smile. She always knew how to lit up the room.

Her brother Albus was a quiet and anxious boy, you just needed to get to know him better for him to open up to you. He was also very clever and wanted to follow into his father's footsteps and become an auror for the ministry of magic. Albus had jet black hair, brown eyes and a tall figure.

Lily's older brother James on the other hand was quite the jokester. Him and his cousin Fred would pull pranks on anyone in the weasley-potter family. James had similar features to his father, except he had brown hair and green eyes. After him and Fred finished their 7th year last year, they took over Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

Their mother, Ginny was a famous writer for The Daily Prophet and their father was one of the greatest aurrors at the ministry of magic.

Finally, it was the first day of school once again. Summer break ended and to everyone's dismay it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Lily was going into her 5th year while her brother Albus in his 6th.
Lily was up before her alarm as usual. She placed her  half-empty trunk that she threw some clothes in the night before on her bed to finish packing it. Pretty soon, her cat Whiskers jumped onto her bed and got cozy. Lily loved her cat more than she loved anyone and everybody knew it.

After she finished packing she opened her closet and found some clothes to change into, after that heading downstairs to find her mom making pancakes. Lily and her mom had an extremely close relationship, she felt like she could talk to her mother about anything. Her mother is the only person, besides her best friend Alice Longbottom that knows about her relationship with Luna Lovegood's son Lorcan. Even though they went trough a pretty nasty break up, they are on good terms now.

"Morning Lily flower" her mother said as she sat down at the kitchen counter where her mom was preparing breakfast.
Lily flower was a nickname only her family called her ever since she was a little girl.

"Morning mom" Lily said with a smile

After that, her brother Albus came down the stairs carrying his trunk and putting it by the door.
Albus sat down and the three of them ate breakfast. While doing so, their mother told them that their dad had to rush into work ("no surprise there" Lily trough to herself) so she would be taking them to platform 9 3/4.

Even though Lily did it so many times already, the trough of running trough that brick wall still makes her nauseous. Platform 9 3/4 was filled with excited and anxious first years. Looking for her best friend, Lily spotted somebody else. None other then her brothers best friend, Scorpius Malfoy. Lily had always found Malfoy annoyingly arrogant. People always praised him-his looks, his grades, his status. She just got sick by thinking of him. She didn't know how her brother could support that arrogant ass.

Lily was glad they finally reached Hogwarts. She couldn't wait to go up to the common room and just sleep. Just then she spotted her best friend Alice. Her and Alice have been inseparable ever since first year, where they met both beeing sorted into the same house. After they hugged for quite a long time, they took their trunks up to the common room and they stayed up talking about their summer until late.

The next day started out great. It was a warm september morning, the corridors of the massive school we re buzzing with students hurrying to their classes.

"Alice are you done yet?" Lily shouted from her bed to the bathroom Alice was getting ready in for about 25 minutes now

"Im donee" Alice smiled as she got out of the bathroom and twirled in front of her best friend

"Come on we're going to be late to potions, you know Slughorn hates it when we re late" Lily said after chuckling a little

The girls got out of the common room and made their way to the dungeons to get to get their potions laboratory. On their way they passed the slytherin common room when a blonde girl stopped them and told them that there was a secret party in the common room later that night and they should come. Alice and Lily laughed at it at first but when they thought about it, it was a great way to start their new year. So they told the girl, who they learned her name was Simone, that they we re going to be there.

"Mrs Potter and Mrs Longbottom you're late, again." professor Slughorn said, sounding not disappointed but more tired of it

"We're sorry professor"

"Just take a seat next to Lyasander and Laura over there, we are working in groups today"
'Great now i have to work with my ex's twin brother' Lily said to herself as she sat down

The first thing Lyasander did was to ask them if they heard about the slytherin party and if they we re going because turns out he was going to be there as well. Thankfully for Lily, Lorcan wasn't coming because he had too much to study. He always took his studies too seriously.

After the 6 painfully long classes passed, Lily and Alice went to get ready for the party. Their friendship was honestly so awesome. They decided to wear their matching short silk blue (alice) and red (lily) dresses. Both of them also did their makeup to match their dresses.
"My god you two are gorgeous!" said Olivia, one of their roommates
I mean she wasn't wrong. Looking like that they could honestly attract any guy they wanted.

When the 2 friends arrived the party was in full swing. The minute they walked through the door Albus came over.

"Lily Luna Potter what the hell are you doing here?" he said in that 'overprotective brother' voice

"Having fun. Just like everyone else"

Just then a pretty blonde girl grabbed his hand and he muttered a "we ll talk later" to Lily after disappearing into the crowd. Soon enough a handsome slytherin came over and asked Alice to dance. Alice double checked with Lily by giving her a look but Lily smiled and nodded her head showing her she could go.
After that Lily felt a little lost. Until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and it was the only time she was happy to see Malfoy. Even though he was her least favorite human being, he was a familiar face.

"All alone Potter?" he asked with a stupid grin on his face

"Alice kind of left me so, pretty much"

"Come drink with me"

"WHAT. no."

"Do you want to be all alone at a party where you dont know anyone or come with me?"

Lily hesitated but followed him. Scorpius took out a bottle of green vodka (yes thats actually a thing) and he handed Lily a glass. She drank all in one sip and made a disgusted face which Scorpius laughed at. She started drinking even more and before you know it she was really dizzy. Scorpius noticed and took her to the common room couch where there was no one except another probably drunk guy.
Scorpius, not pretty awake himself soon left with a pretty blonde girl leaving Lily with the guy.

When she got a good look at him she realised who he was. Lorcan. Her ex boyfriend. He looked at her, she looked at him and without saying a word he got closer to her. She didn't move an inch. Suddenly he grabbed her face and kissed her. Drunk Lily kissed him back and they started making out.
Lily got on his lap and he put his hands on her waist and her ass while kissing her. He started sucking her neck, making her moan his name and leaving her a huge hickey.

What will Lily say about this when she's conscious again?

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