"What's the meaning of this?" a gruff voice boomed as the now visible door burst open, a large, stooped black form standing within the building that had suddenly grown silent. "Holy mother of- Gottfried, is that you? How did you, what hap- let me look at you!" The form stepped out of the doorway, which swung shut behind him, and stood to its full height, a nearly ten-foot-tall, bull-like, silhouette against the grey building. The figure stooped down and grabbed Gottfried, massive hands engulfing the amphibian and lifted him nearly seven feet into the air and spun the him around, the indignity apparent on the frog's face. "Sorry, old pal," the form put Gottfried down, "It's just- You're green!"
"Nice to see you again too Andy. Carl, Andy, I'd like you to meet Doug and Samantha."
"Andy, as in Bloody Andy?" Doug asked as he nodded to the two black shapes.
"Yep," The massive figure knelt down beside Doug, who still only came to the monstrosities shoulder. All Doug could smell was damp fur, and he felt a warm breath all about him.
The other figure, much smaller, only about half of Doug's size, crawled into view, using the building to hoist himself up, his small form black against the gray backdrop. "Now, care to tell me why you were looking for me?" it growled, pulling something that looked like a blade from somewhere within the blackness.
"I'd say take it outside Carl," Andy snapped, "but seeing as you are already outside-" Andy did not finish, instead he reached over and pinned the much smaller Carl to the grey wall of the building with one gigantic hand.
"Hey," Carl protested and drew back the blade, ready to strike.
"If you ever want to see the inside of my pub again, you better think twice about that."
"Bloody 'taur." Carl spat and then began to whimper as the hand about him began to squeeze. "Okay, okay."
They heard the sound of metal clang on stone as Carl dropped the blade.
"Now," Andy began, "I think you owe our friends a drink."
Another whimper, but the small figure that was Carl did not argue as he was ushered through the large wooden door, back into the building. A few conversations had started up again, mainly strained whispers, but when Gottfried hopped in, the room fell completely quiet again, the only noise coming from what looked like a black fire crackling in the now grey fireplace in the far corner.
Even though they could not see their eyes, Doug and Samantha could feel the stares of all of the pub's patrons as they walked in and took a seat at a black shape, that they figured had to be a table.
Once everyone was seated, and Doug had lifted Gottfried onto the table, the frog turned to the massive figure, "Andy, how about them drinks? Don't forget the young'ins."
Once Andy was gone, Doug looked at the pitch black figure across the table from him, trying to ignore the silence in the room, the feeling that everyone within was hanging on his unspoken words. "Carl, why'd you call him a 'taur?'"
"Cause that's what he is, a bleedin' minotaur."
"And don't you forget it," came a shout from behind the bar.
"And what are you?" Doug asked, sheepishly.
"Are you daft? What do I look like?"
Doug stared at the black shape before him, but didn't answer.
"Bah, I'm a gnome. Plain as the nose upon my face."
Doug could not tell Carl's nose from his ears, he was just a black shape, but he was not about to tell the gnome that.
Into the Darkness Second Draft
FantasyA missing teacher sends middle school students Doug and Samantha spiraling into a pitch-black world where mysteries await, while they search for their teacher, and ultimately a way out!