She Calls up Her Mom

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Taylor plopped down next to her mom in the green room. She'd just wrapped her second-to-last show in Australia and it was magical. Travis was coming to tomorrow night's show. His surgery had gone well and he'd been convalescing at Taylor's home in LA. He'd recently gotten cleared by the surgeon to travel, as long as he promised to keep up his physical therapy exercises. She couldn't wait for him to see the Eras Tour after everything. She'd told him so many tour stories, it was sure to be a very different experience from when he saw her at Arrowhead.

Her mom, Andrea, stroked Taylor's hair and asked, "Are you excited for Travis to visit tomorrow?" Andrea knew about the fake dating situation, which had ended and evolved into a friendship. She hadn't loved the whole fake dating thing, but she'd kept it to herself. She'd learned a long time ago that there was no arguing when Taylor had her mind made up about something. She did like Travis though, and she liked how happy he seemed to make Taylor.

"Yeah, I am. He says I have too many couches, so he's been sending me pictures as 'one of your French girls' on every couch at my house," Taylor laughed. "Clothed! Not naked!" she quickly added, remembering she was talking to her mom. He had sent a couple shirtless ones, but that's as spicy as they got. He was frustratingly good at respecting boundaries.

"And you're not dating?" Andrea asked. She knew the answer, but had to ask.

"No, Mom, we're not. You know that," Taylor groaned. You can be 35 years old and still revert to a teenager when talking to your mom. It's unavoidable.

"But you like him?"

"I don't knoooooow," she whined.

"You like spending time with him?"

"Love it."

"He makes you laugh?"

"All the time."

"You trust him?"


"He's the first person you text in the morning?"

"Ummm... yeah, usually."

"You think he's dreamy?" Andrea gushed.

"I mean, who doesn't?"

"And he told you he has feelings for you?"


"Taylor," Andrea started, "What's the issue?"

Taylor laid down on the couch. She was still in her tour costume. It was too late to be having this conversation. She was tired just thinking about this conversation. Taylor said, "Mom. You know my track record. You know what I was like after I broke up with Joe. The whole plan was to have a fake boyfriend to distract the press, so I could stay single. Maybe something fun here and there, but nothing serious. At one point, I even thought Travis could be like a friend with benefits. Oh, sorry Mom," Taylor grimaced as Andrea tut tutted. Taylor went on, "But then he kept surprising me. 'Just a fling' didn't seem doable. So I've gotta keep my distance."

"Oh Taylor," Andrea put her hand on Taylor's. "I just want you to be happy. You can't let fear hold you back from something great. Think of how many things you've accomplished, despite your fears. Think of how much you've gone through and made it through stronger. Maybe Travis isn't forever, or maybe he is, but your heart is what makes you, you. That heart that's not afraid to be vulnerable, to love big, to be broken, to love again. I don't want to see that taken from you, sweetheart." 

"Thanks, Mom. I don't know, though. I've never had a relationship start with such a close friendship. So if it didn't work out, I'd lose a boyfriend and a best friend? I don't know if my heart could take that."

"Maybe that's what's been missing. Your partner should feel like a best friend. I think that's a good thing."

Taylor sighed loudly, ending the conversation.

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