First time he said I love you!

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I feel like I should have made this a lot sooner in the book. 😂

-Tam didn't often say this, due to this being his first relationship, he wasn't sure how to act or how to be a good boyfriend. Should he give you kisses each day and hugs? Or did you just like to keep it to regular affection? Maybe PDA? But he was unsure whether you would be okay with it. 

-So he went to the only other person who he knew you were friends with and also had a girlfriend.


-He light leaped to his house and sighed before knocking the door, almost rapping Keefe on the face, cause he opened the door so fast. Keefe's face fell slightly but went back to a smirk. 

"Bangs boi! What do I owe the pleasure of?" he teased. Tam rolled his eyes.

"I could tell you were expecting someone else." he snapped back. Keefe raised his hands innocently and stepped back allowing Tam to come in. Tam looked around before setting his glare on Keefe.

"I need advice." he said cutting to the chase. Keefe's eyebrows went up. 

"Well, what advice do you need?" he asked, curiously. Tam shook his head and sighed.

"How do I tell Y/N I love her? Affection? Gifts? Both?" Tam asked.

"Weeelll," Keefe said.

A few hours later.....

"Thanks Keefe." Tam said before leaving, Keefe stopped him. 

"Remember the deal?" he was reminded. Tam rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I have to dye a pink stripe on my hair." Tam grumbled. Keefe beamed and shut the door on his deadpanned face. Tam growled and light leaped home to you. You opened the door and squealed in shock when Tam lifted you up and mumbled a cute I love you. When you were set down, you looked at Tam in surprise.

"I love you too!" you chirped back, causing Tam to blush. Tam decided to talk with you about what you like. PDA? Gifts? That was for him to figure out, but you two have plenty of time.

Sorry if this was a bit rushed, but I kinda have a writer's block, but i still wanted to post something for you readers!

Also anyone used to be a fan of One Direction when you were little? Their songs were probably one of the first songs I learned to sing! And I'm just jamming to their older songs while writing. 

While singing and my brother came in and he's like who's singing? Can't be you. And I just shoed him away. >---<

Anyway have a good day/night and enjoy reading! - Moonstar

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