🔥Chapter Six

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After the club.... At his apartment

Part Two:

He opened his door, and we walk inside the apartment. I was a little scared at first because I was getting inside a stranger's place.

Even though he didn't seem like a serial killer. His place was clean, and nice to be honest. I believe sometimes men don't have a nice touch when it comes to their place.

He sure was different. Very organized, but I wasn't quietly there to admire his apartment. I was there to have sex and have a great time.

"Don't be scared. I won't do anything that you don't want," he said.

"Sure," I muttered.

"I have whiskey if you want. Wait—I believe I still have some vodka left." He said.

"Whisky is fine!" I replied immediately.

As he served me the whisky, I stood right next to him. I tried my best to control myself and not make him stop doing what he was, and rapidly force him to fuck me there, too.

I didn't want him to have a bad impression of like I was in a desperate need of sex. Even though I was.

He handed me the whisky and walked away from me. I stood there for a bit looking like an idiot because he was heading somewhere more comfortable, I guess.

"Don't just stand there. Let's sit down for a bit," he suggested giving me a lovely smile as he sips his whisky.

"Ok," I answered.

His living was nice, and I was surprised he didn't take me directly to his room. To where I wish he could have taken me instead.

I sat down, still a little nervous. Looking at him in disbelief because I was thinking why we were sitting down instead of having a good sex. This was the reason why we came to his place to begin with.

He was sitting in front of me, and maybe he sat there to provoke me and that's it. On the other hand, all I wanted was to jump on him and kiss him all over to wherever my mouth decided to stop.

"Look, I've been trying my best to control myself, and not approach you in any way that you feel like I'm pushing you to do something you don't want." Dante suggested.

I wasn't expecting that, but it sure surprised me.

"The same here. But—can we just stop pretending that we don't want this to happen..." I responded.

After all that, everything became more interesting, and just the way I wanted. Or we both wanted in the first place.

He grabbed me by the hand, and we started walking to where his room was. But as we walked, I tried to finish my whisky before we even got there.

When we were finally there, I was holding an empty glass. The last sip I gave my drink felt so good, and it was what I needed to do because I was about to experience something amazing with Dante.

We were in his room. Nothing much for a single man living alone. Well, based so far on what I've seen. He practically resembles that he lives alone even though he hasn't said otherwise.

Maybe he even has a roommate, hopefully a male.

"Is my room perfect enough?" Dante asked.

Wait, I wasn't quite sure understanding why he was talking so much instead of just fucking me already.

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