Percy Jackson.

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Im percy and im goin to tell you bout my life.... Percyyyyyy!! WHAT! I yelled back. Your girlfriend wants to see you! Be down in a minute mom. What I said was a minute turned out to be five. I sort of took a little nap. I said to casey, my gf. Let me explain her. She looks like Megan fox. Ya i know how does a hot get A very tall muscular black athletic book nerd

I dont know cuz ive only had like five girl friends and they all said i wasnt the guy theve ever seen. Anyway when i walked down the stairs she was in the skimpiest clothes ive ever seen. I was tempted to go down ther so we could ... never mind instead i went down and i kissed her on her lips and asked what the heck she was doing here and this is what she said percy im bisexual. Right there i broke up with her and then i went outside got in my car and drove off.

When i got to the football field i saw my friends Jessie and cauy they wre passing the football around then they saw me and they both said at the same time where is casey. I said i dont know all i did was leave her in my house alone then left. Right there i realied what i did i left my ex in my huge mansion she could have ruined my room. So i said ill be right back got in my car and drove off again. I pulled into the drove got the house key unlocked the door then i blacked out. When i woke up i was tied to my fucking bed. And i thought man this cant possibly go well.

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