Second Chance

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Inspired From DishiiLovee and _the_meandering_soul

"Karan...I want to talk to you" Monami said to her husband who just came from his office "I don't want to talk to you " Karan said and rolled his eyes and was about to go but Monami grabbed his wrist " You have to listen to me "Karan yanked her hand away.

"I don't want to hear any non sense" Karan pushed her making her fall on the floor and start walking towards the Room "I'm pregnant Karan" Karan stopped on his track and turn around  " What the F*CK " He marched towards Monami and grabbed her hairs harshly making Monami whimpers in pain.

" ITS NOT MY CHILD BECAUSE YOU NEVER LET ME TOUCH YOU" Karan shouted while slapping her "WHO YOU SLEPT WITH YOU SL*T " Monami cried feeling pain "It's yours b-believe me " Monami said while crying in pain but Karan again slapped Her.

"TELL ME THE TRUTH " Monami tried her best and pushed Karan's  chest all with her strength making him fall backwards, Monami stood up and ran upstairs and locked herself in the guest room... Karan get up from the floor and again marched towards the guest room.

Monami was hiding under the covers when she heard loud banging on the door "OPEN THE FU*KING DOOR" She was so scared that She closed her ear with her hands, it's not the first time happening this with Her, 2 years Ago Karan and Monami got married "Love marriage "But there was no love in this marriage from Karan's side.

On their wedding night, Monami wasn't ready for intimacy which made Karan angry, He left the house leaving  Monami alone... Monami was feeling so guilty, but it wasn't her fault that she was not ready...Karan came back other day and without looking at Monami went to their room.

Monami fall on the ground crying, because she noticed hickeies on her husband's neck and also a girl's perfume smell on his shirt, Monami get up from the floor and went towards Karan who was laying on the bed. " What's on your neck Karan ?" Mokami asked holding back her tears.

Karan smirked " Hickeies, I really enjoyed last night...the girl was so good" Karan  said shamelessly and chuckled, Monami bite her lower lip "Y-you left me a-alone on o-our first n-night and was with someone else" Monami said in a shaking voice.

Katan just chuckled and stood up from the bed " Not just a girl Baby....but Your own best friend " Monami was so shocked to hear that her best friend did this to her
" S..sanjana?" Karan chuckled and nodded his head, Momami angrily grabbed his collar.

"How can you do this to me? Don't you love me?" Monami asked him looking inside his eyes, Karan pushed her making hardly on the wall and slapped her making her corner of the lip bleed, Monami was so shocked  "He is not my Karan whom I knew before marriage " Monami thought to herself.

Karan grabbed her neck " Listen to me you will always clean this house and if I see a little dust in my house...that won't be really good for you " He choked her a little, Monami struggle's to breathe "UNDERSTOOD" Monami immediately nodded her  head.

Karan was like a whole different person after their marriage, He often get drunk and hit, slap and someone times tried to touch Monami, Sometimes Monami wanted to run away from Karan but she loved Karan so much that she never have the courage to leave him.

Sometimes Karan also bring some girls with him and Fu*k them in their room, And Monami always cry listening thier moans and covering her ear with her hands, sobbing by day Monami was dieing.

The banging on the door stopped indicating that Karan left, And Monami know where he her so called friend Sanjana... The person Monami believed the most ....

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