I Want You

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Diana POV

I have been keeping my distance from Lionel he wants to be with me I can't have that or let that ruin his marriage he was sad about it bit he has not stop trying

Lionel POV

I want to be with Diana she makes me feel so good I was sad when she denied it I know that I'm married but I'm unhappy and she bought the Fulfillment that I was looking for I'm not giving up I do love my wife I really do but when you been married as long as you have you become unhappy over things that don't make you happy anymore

Diana came out to do some shopping for herself she hasn't done it in awhile ....plus she was going to a concert tonight with a few friends she hasn't been out in awhile so it was going to be nice

Lionel wife asked him if he was ok and he said yes he's fine

Diana was bisexual she like men and women 

A few Days have flown by and lionel wife began to suspect he was cheating on her because he's never around anymore like he was

It was a rumor that Lionel was cheating on his wife....Diana seen that on the news and couldn't believe it reached the television so now She definitely had to keep distance from Lionel

Lionel seen it on television as well he knew his wife would find out but she wanted to know with who ..she hasn't figured out it yet

Diana got asked out on a date with  a young woman she met at a friend's party and she agreed

Saturday Night

Diana POV

Honestly this date was bad she was so controlling and manuliptaive never again

Diana told her how she felt but the young woman had a reason why she's like that and Diana told her that everyone she meet doesn't cheat or isn't like that ...she told her goodbye and never saw each other again

The young woman sat there quilty she went on a date with the most beautiful woman and ended up ruining it because of the pain and betrayal from people ...now she started to think differently and realized that everyone isn't like that that's just her thinking that

Diana came to do some walking around ...she noticed Lionel and his wife but she kept walking heading home

When she came home she noticed a note in her pocket...it was from Lionel wife

I know everything but I can't be upset with lionel you're a very attractive woman I see why he's doing what he's doing and I wouldn't blame him for it

Diana had to make sure she was reading that right to make sure her eyes weren't messing with her and they weren't

Lionel told her everything she was hurt about it but she understood they were different from each other

Next Morning

Diana POV

I was in my office on the computer until it was a knock on the door...I said come in and it was Lionel wife that's weird she never comes to the office without Lionel

She sat down and just stared at Diana...she wonder why she was here

(It's going to be a Twist to this part of the story)

Diana asked her what she was doing and she wanted to test the water to see if Lionel was telling the truth

She insisted Diana that it was ok but she didn't agree with this...she heard about Diana being bisexual

Suddenly she took off her leather jacket and was completely naked underneath ...Diana told her this was crazy but she didn't listen

She kissed Diana and Diana knew she wouldn't stop ...so she gave in

Lionel wife sat on top of her ....she was for sure she wanted to do this...Diana was not comfortable with this she knew she wasn't gay and just wanted try it

Lionel was at home writing music his wife been gone for a minute but he was ok with it

An hour later

Diana POV

I sat down in my chair deep in thought of what just happened why so everyone want to sleep with ne....Lionel is Obsessed with and now his wife just had sex with me ...I need a drink a tall glass

So she grabbed her coat locked the door and came home

Diana came home and poured her a glass of wine a tall glass

A few days went by and Diana took time off work she needed a break from everything that has been happening

Lionel came to see Diana to see if she was ok

Diana: I have to tell you something

Lionel: what

Duana: your wife came to my office a few days ago

Lionel: that doesn't sound good

Diana: she came up on me

Lionel: what

Diana: she made a move on me ...

Lionel: so yall had sex

Diana: yes I told her I wasn't comfortable I'm already dealing with you no offense

Lionel was in shock he didn't know his wife would do that

Diana: you ok

Lionel: yes I'm ok

Diana: she knows everything

Lionel: I know because I told her the truth

Diana: I thought she was going to start something with me I didn't expect for her to come there and have sex with me

Lionel: I didn't either

Diana: yea so I took time off from work

Lionel: well its fine

Diana: so what happens now

Lionel: that's what I wanted to tell you

Diana: ok what is it

Lionel: we decided to get a divorce we realized we are so different from each other

Diana: oh I'm so sorry

Lionel: it's ok

Diana: no its not you guys are Divorcing because of this

Lionel: it's not your fault that we're Divorcing

Diana: it feels like it

Lionel: well it's not

Diana: look Lionel I know your in love with me but i don't think this will work between us

Lionel: just let me prove it you

Diana: Lionel your still married

Lionel thought about it and he knew it was true

Lionel: I know that but just give me a chance to prove it to you

Diana thought about it she knew he wouldn't take no for an answer

Diana: Fine I'll give you a chance ...but you can't be marred I can't do that

Lionel: I know but if I divorce I want to be with you

Diana: you need to wait until you move on

Lionel: I already have

Suddenly it was a knock at the door and it was a knock on the door It was another woman at the door confessing her love

So she had three people in love with her and it was to much for her so she had to figure out what to do

Next chapter is coming

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