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January 1513

No one POV

Eleanor was being prepared for the wedding, being helped by her ladies and Eleanor kept looking at the mirror and looked back at Lina.

Bessie said "Princess Eleanor, you look beautiful" and Eleanor said "Thank you, you are Bessie Blout."

Bessie said "A pleasure for me to meet you" and Eleanor smiled and said "Thank you. May you leave me alone with Lady Lina?".

All the other ladies got up, bowed and walked away.

Eleanor looked at Lina and said "Lina. I know that you cared for Catherine, and you wanted her on the throne, as she was your friend, and you stood by her side, I know that, Believe me, I thought my aunt would take the throne as well."

Lina said "And now you are. You'll marry Prince Harry, and be Queen of England."

Eleanor said "This was chosen for me, I did not, I didn't want to take my aunt's place, but we are here now, I just I want you to know that if you wish to go elsewhere, you can."

Lina said "Your very sweet, you always have been. But I do not judge you for what happened. You should start to get going."

Eleanor said "Thank you."

At Westminister Abbey

Eleanor was sitting down next to Henry as the celebrations for their wedding continued, she was wearing a wedding dress.

King Henry said "To my son, and to Princess Eleanor, our alliance in Spain continued once again, with you both, May your marriage be as happy as it must be strong."

Eleanor smiled and looked at Prince Henry and Eleanor said "Prince Henry, I know that I was not your choice for a bride or a wife, but I promise to do my very best to make you happy."

Henry said "You can't, your not her" and Eleanor said "I'm sorry about Catherine, but I didn't want to take her place, this was put on me just as much as it was put on you. But shouldn't we do our best to make this marriage work?".

Henry said "Ours is a duty, Eleanor, which we will, you will give me children. And you'll be Queen someday."

June, 1513

Eleanor was touching her stomach as she walked down the stairs and everyone bowed and said "Your Grace, Your Grace."

Eleanor walked in the chapel and sat next to Lina who was far along in her pregnancy and Eleanor said "Don't you want to sit somewhere more comfortable, I could have them fetch a pillow."

Lina said "No, I'm quite alright, Your Grace" and Eleanor smiled at her and Lina said "Have you told him yet?".

Eleanor said "No, not yet" and she touched her stomach and Lina said "It's been some time, you are sure of the pregnancy. "

Eleanor said "I know, He's been waiting for me to say I'm with Child, It's the one thing that interests him about me."

Lina said "That is not true, Your Grace. You are his wife and Queen" and Eleanor said "Well, he didn't want me to be his wife and Queen. And he never misses a chance to forget to remind me. I'm sorry, Lina, Catherine was your."

Lina said "She was, but you shouldn't be treated bad because you are different. Your trying to make this marriage work."

Eleanor said "It's difficult, like no matter what I do, it's."

Lina said "I know" and Eleanor said "Everyone thinks I'm a weak little girl" and Lina said "Well, your not, I know this, your the sister of the Holy Roman Emperor, your the granddaughter of Queen Isabella of Castille. You are strong."

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