Chapter 4

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"Why am I suddenly dreaming about the past again?" Feo woke up from a lengthy dream, the lingering memories flooding his mind.

In that moment, he recalled a long-forgotten memory, a chance encounter with a stranger who possessed a unique mind. Meeting people with peculiar thoughts was not uncommon for him, but it usually left him feeling uneasy.

However, that particular girl had been different. Her deep-seated sadness and inner turmoil had resonated with Feo, and now, he found himself experiencing similar emotions when he met Fafa.

Before they began dating, Feo had occasionally picked up on Fafa's darker thoughts. It wasn't a cause for great concern as Fafa often persevered, pushing herself to be stronger each day. But Feo couldn't help but worry that she was bottling up too much inside, and he was beginning to witness the depths of her struggle.

Feo understood pain all too well, having felt numb and indifferent due to the burdens he had shouldered from a young age. On one particular day, he stood by, watching Fafa break down in a café. It seemed she had intended to meet him there to confide in him, but after a distressing call, her mood had taken a nosedive. Feo suspected that it was either her job or her family that had triggered her distress.

With his shift ongoing, Feo couldn't pick up her call, but it became evident that Fafa could no longer contain her thoughts. Fortunately, she was seated discreetly, allowing her to sob silently, shielded from the prying eyes of strangers.

Once his workday concluded, the black-haired young man approached his girlfriend, feeling a sense of déjà vu as he saw Fafa silently crying, her head resting on a napkin. He had witnessed her breakdown numerous times before, but this time, he could finally offer his support.

"Hey, are you okay? Would you like to go home?" Feo tried to soften his usual tone, remembering Fafa's preference for a gentler approach when she was upset, as he often came across as overly cold.

Fafa, still sobbing, woke up from her nap, panicked at her disheveled appearance. Feo inadvertently read her thoughts once more. "Ah, I'm easy to read, huh?" Fafa remarked, as if she could sense his internal musings.

Feo chuckled, finding solace in the rapid transformation of Fafa's mood when she saw him. Her happiness was contagious, warming his heart just as hers did. He understood that, when low on energy, she didn't engage in much conversation, and he was perfectly fine with that.

Feo simply didn't know what to say, as he sensed that the emotional burden Fafa carried was likely too heavy for him to fully comprehend.

"Hey, would you like to stay over?" Fafa suggested, mentioning her nearby rented flat. In most cases, Feo's family wouldn't question his whereabouts if he informed them he was staying somewhere.

Feo was not typically one to get excited about such opportunities, but because it was Fafa who proposed it, his heart raced faster than usual. "Uh, alright," he replied, noticing Fafa's nervousness as she quickly tidied up her room. He couldn't help but chuckle, realizing that he wasn't the only one feeling anxious.

Feo knew his friends would tease him if they found out. He had never spent a night with a girl before, and he pondered why he had accepted the offer.

As they settled in, Fafa's mind buzzed with various thoughts, her vivid imagination picturing potential scenarios between them. Yet, she held back, waiting for Feo to make the first move.

Feo decided to kiss her unexpectedly, and he enjoyed her shocked and flustered reaction. It was an unfamiliar sensation for him, but he relished teasing her, especially knowing how easily she got irritated by his playful side.

"You're not planning to do more?" Fafa inquired, her words tinged with anticipation.

"Dunno, I don't intend to push things..." Feo scratched his head, battling not only excitement but also concern that he might inadvertently hurt her.

On the other hand, Fafa was thrilled to have him in her room. They spent time as they usually did, playing games together and watching lighthearted content.

As Feo cuddled with her, he realized how fulfilling it was to be close to someone he cared deeply about. The warmth of another person made him feel ordinary, almost making him forget his ability to read minds as he savored the moment.

"Um, Feo..." Fafa began, casting an alluring glance in his direction, shaking something within him.

However, nothing more transpired that night, at least not yet. They eventually drifted to sleep and woke up the next day. To Feo's surprise, Fafa had awakened first and prepared breakfast for him.

Fafa tried to appear composed, but her nervousness and excitement were palpable. Although Feo was a bit weary, he roused himself and graciously indulged in her cooking.

The morning was serene and left Feo pondering what life might be like if they were to live together. He found himself contemplating a future, something that had rarely crossed his mind before.

He was startled by his own thoughts, and his cheeks reddened. "What—"

Feo decided to take the initiative and started washing the dishes, only to feel a pair of arms enveloping his waist. "What's on your mind?" Feo inquired, chuckling as he recognized Fafa's penchant for physical affection.

"I really love you, Feo," Fafa confessed, her affectionate words carrying weight and meaning.

"Yeah, I love you too," Feo responded with ease. Fafa's sincere expressions of love never lost their impact.

Fighting back tears of happiness, Fafa would sometimes squeak in delight, while at other times, she'd shed tears of joy. Both wished for time to stand still, savoring the moment.

After all, their story was no fairytale, but it was something just as magical.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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