Old Grudges

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Jack and Nim walked through the now less crowded streets; passing guards, vendors, and stumbling junks as they moved past another tavern. The third one they passed since leaving the old man; Showing how soaked this town is when it comes to alcohol. The muddy streets suddenly switched to a cobblestone path as they moved towards the center of the town. The people began to look more well kept and the houses turned from small wooden cabins into large stone foundations and fine Dark Rulian wood framing that spiraled up 15 meters before the roofing even started. There were steel door frames and handles with tinted stained glass on all the windows.

"It sure has been a long time since I last came here." Jack said looking around in aw at the tall buildings that he was not familiar with.

"Wait, I thought that you hadn't been to Phanlinde before." Nim blurted under his breath.

"Well the last time I came here it definitely didn't look like this." Jack said, responding.

"Well then you must be pretty old." Nim said, looking at Jack. "Way older than you look."

"You have no Idea." Jack said under his breath just quiet enough for Nim to hear a muffled sound. I probably shouldn't ask him what year it is that would be too suspicious. Jack thought to himself as they continued down the street. Jack could see different, more distinct houses further ahead of them. They were large towering buildings with vast yards that could probably fit the rest of the town inside. Each building had a bridge connecting them to the roofs of all the other buildings. The building on the far left was the biggest building and was connected to the large wooden wall surrounding the city. The wall towered over all the houses being visible at almost any angle from the town streets, the only other building that towered over it was a chappal that was deeper in the town behind the buildings in front of the two.

"I'm no detective but if I had to guess, that is the house we are visiting." Jack said pointing to the largest building.

"Yeah the General lives in that one." Nim said with a sigh. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he pleaded, trying to get Jack to turn back.

"Yeah I'm sure." Jack responded. "So when was the last time you talked to him?"

"Oh probably three years ago." Nim said. "Why?"

"What was the General like when you met him?" Jack asked curiously.

"Well he was a large man that was always angry. He always babbled on about a kid who ruined his plans and destroyed what he worked so hard for. Whatever that means." Nim said.

Jack thought to himself as he moved towards the giant house; walking through the massive yard. "Does he know about Felix?" Memories burst through Jack's mind remembering things from what seemed like a past life at this point, but it was really only a few years in Jack's time.

"Jack, are you ok?" a familiar woman's voice said. A distant memory shoving itself back into Jack's head. Jack opened his eyes as a chilled wind smacked his face. Jack looked down seeing what he thought was the world below him. A large whooshing noise rang into Jack's ears as he continued to look around in aw.

"Yeah I'm fine." Jack said, still peering over the side of a scaly hide. "I'm really on a Dragon." Jack thought to himself; his younger being easily surprised and more energetic unlike his more cold and docile personality.

"It's an amazing view isn't it?" The woman said, turning around to face Jack. The girl had silky green hair that matched a jade necklace she was wearing. She had a bow staff swung around her back and was wearing sailor pants and a cloth bra.

"Definitely." Jack said, gazing out.

"Well get used to it." A large man behind Jack said, smacking him; almost making Jack fall off the giant red Dragon.

Forgotten Greed: Volume One: Greed's BondsWhere stories live. Discover now