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I woke up by a thin line of light peeking through the curtains ,I opened my eyes to see a tall broad figure layed down next to me. I was surprised as my eyes widened to see jungwon laying Infront me alseep,I didn't know what to do so I just layed there looking at him as if he was going to wake up from the stare of my eyes.

I snapped out of my trance and tapped his shoulder gently a couple of times until he awoke,he smiled as soon as he saw me but me being me keeping up my sophisticated girl I am I questioned him.

"Why are you here?" I said as I moved away keeping a distance between us ,I looked at him waiting for an answer yet I didn't receive that at all.

"Sorry"he said as he got out of the bed ,I was confused he didn't answer my question at all.

"Ok ,but why where you in my bed?" I asked ,he just turned around and smirked before leaving. I was confused  as not only did he not answer my question but he seemed pleased with my question or how I acted ,what is wrong with him?

I got up and made my way to my closet quickly getting changed into some fresh clothes after I freshened up . After doing so I made my way downstairs and put on my trainers/sneakers and then made my way to the kitchen where I found jungwon eating a bowl of cereal. I looked at him and we made eye contact but I broke it the second I say a smirk forming on his face. I took this chance to ask him again.

"You didn't answer my question earlier,why were you in my bed?"I asked and he smirked and gestured for me to come closer so I put my bowl down and went closer to him.He then whispered in my ear.

"Because your in my house ,so I can do whatever I want. Happy ,I answered your question"He said smirking , I moved away and reminded myself to set boundaries. So I quickly made myself a bowl of cereal as I sat Infront of him at the table.

"Ok then ,I want rules and boundaries because I can't have you coming in my room for no reason. And just as a reminder I never asked to come you forced me here." I said putting the spoon in my mouth.

He nodded taking another spoonful in his mouth, I gulped down my food after chewing and started with my long list.

"Number 1, I want privacy you have no right to come in my room any time you want and you are not to interfere in my business."I started ,he nodded taking  in another spoonful of his food.

"Number 2, I don't want anyone to know about our marriage,that stays between us and we can't interfere In each others relationship,so you can still go and date whoever you want our relationship as husband and wife is only Infront of our parents and if you want to tell anyone about our marriage you have to confirm with me first" He stopped before taking another spoonful of his cereal ,he looked up at me his eyebrows raised.

"So I can go and date Mia and you won't care?" He asked waiting for my response.

"Yes, our relationship won't affect any other relationships you have with anyone else" I said confirming it.He slowly nodded taking in another spoonful of food as I did the same.

"And that's all I can think of for now but if you have any more let me know" I said taking in another spoonful as I couldn't think of anymore rules I wanted.

"I have one, I don't want you to act like we aren't married .Just because you dont Like me doesn't mean I'm going to like someone else. I'd rather have a relationship with you than I would with Mia. So in our home we are a married couple but outside I don't care what you do" He said putting his empty bowl in the sink,I nodded taking it all in as I then followed him after putting my empty bowl in the sink.

"Ok fine , but i dont want you to go mad if i get a boyfriend thats all im saying"i said as i made my way upstairs . I heard him mutter some words but brushed them off and went into my room grabbing my school bag.

Devil's queen Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now