Chapter 56: Tummy Trouble

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Here In a warehouse, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook are hanging from the ceiling, upside-down and bound by pink tape. They hang over a large cat bed filled with felines. A young woman with cat-like apparel walks up to the two.

Nyancy: Cat's out of the bag, Tennyson! Thanks to my meow-meow militia, Bellwood's about to rub up on its new master- Nyancy Chan!

Nyancy lifts three cats up from the bed, revealing that they are hypnotized by her. She lets them climb onto Ben's face, before continuing their ascent. Ben spits out cat hair.

Ben: Which one is she again?

Rook: The woman who controls cats.

Ben: Right. Cat lady.

(F/N): Is that just a little gimmicky?

Rook: On the contrary. I find her strangely compelling.

Paulina: Can we take care of this quick? Me and (F/N) have a date today.

Ben: Okay. Let's do this. *to Nyancy* Better hope they don't have squirt bottles in the Null Void, Nyancy.

Rook tears one of his arms free of the tape and uses a razor from his Proto-Tool to cut himself, (F/N), Paulina,and Ben loose. They and the cats land safely on the ground, and the cats run away.

Rook: Because you have been a bad kitty.

Nyancy: Cry havoc! And let slip the cats of war!

A nearby cage containing a group of tigers opens, and they begin to approach Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook.

Ben: You pick, guys. The lady or the tigers?

Paulina turns into Rath as she and Rook leaps over the tigers and tackles Nyancy to the ground.

Nyancy: *gasps*. Ugh! Meow! *sits up; bats eyes* You two don't really want to arrest me, do you?

Rook and Paulina(As Rath): *spaced out* We do not want to arrest you.

Meanwhile, the tigers walk towards Ben and (F/N). He activates the Omnitrix.

(F/N): Just two tigers?

Ben: Huh, I won't even need my heavy hitters.

Ben transforms into Perk Upchuck and (F/N) turns into Murk Upchuck.

Ben: *As Upchuck* Just my big eaters.

Ben and (F/N) devour the tigers, but quickly regurgitates them. Covered in green saliva, the tigers begin to lick themselves clean. Nearby, Rook and Paulina fall victim to Nyancy's hypnosis.

Nyancy: You'll both help me escape, meow-meow. But first, beat Ben and Jen Tennyson to a pulp!

Ben and (F/N) turn around, surprised.

Rook: I am...not nearly as hypnotized as that.

Paulina: *As Rath* Same here Rook Blonko, alien teammate and friend of Ben who doesn't speak contractions!

Nyancy: What?! But I control cats.

Rook: Yes, and I am catlike. But, no.

Paulina: *As Rath* And I took meditation lessons from (F/N) Jenifer Tennyson, wielder of the Ultimatrix and girlfriend to Rath!

Nyancy turns her back on Rook as he and Paulina stand up.

Nyancy: Well, fiddlesticks!

Later, some Plumbers take the now-handcuffed Nyancy away on a Plumber Ship.

Nyancy: A galactic tribunal? *sputtering* Boy, you try to take over one city...

Molly Gunther : Keep moving.

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