Chapter 6

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Billies POV

I woke up from my sleep, I look to my side seeing jay sleeping peacefully. I stare at him for a moment and look away.

I get up and took a shower, I finished my shower and wrapped the towel around me.

I step out of the bathroom wrapped around with a towel seeing that jay has gotten up on his phone.

He glanced up at me and looked me up and down biting his lip.

I turned my face away feeling my cheeks heat up? I look myself in the mirror I have in the closet seeing I'm blushing.

Why am I blushing from him looking at me like that?

I shook it off, and grabbed my skirt and a shirt and put that on.

I walked out of the closet hearing the shower running

I put my shoes on and went on my phone


                                             Can you pick me up?

Yeah I'll be there in 5
         Read 7:00am

I hear the shower go off. I'm guessing he's done with the shower

I sigh standing up and heading outside waiting for Brandon to pick me up

I see his car pull up to the driveway. I step in side the car and close the door. "Hey baby how you doing" he said putting his hand on my thigh

"I'm doing good what about you" I said putting my seatbelt on

"I'm doing good to" he said smiling at me while pulling out of the driveway and heading to school

We arrive and get out the car, I see our friend group and walk over to them with Brandon

"Guys there's a party tomorrow you guys down to go?" Denzel said dapping is up

"Ya I'm down I just gotta sneak out" I said fixing my skirt pushing it down from the wind blowing

I hear the bell ring and head to my first period class. I make my way to the back of the class taking a seat

Denzel, Brandon, and drew walk in and sit next to me. I see jay also walk in and sit next to that girl makayla?

They hug and start talking I can see her laughing at what ever he's saying.

Why do I feel Jealous?

They laugh more hitting eachothers shoulders playfully "Billie" "billie did you hear me?" Brandon said confused looking at me

"Uhm yeah" I said lying "oh okay" he said staring at the direction I was looking at, I saw from the corner of my eye that anger builder up in his face

I look away from jay and that girl weirded out on why I'm feeling whatever this is.

I feel Brandon's hand creeping it's way to my inner thigh and getting close to my heat

I gasp taking his hand away from where it was, he furrowed his eyes "I'm not in the mood right now Brandon" I said pushing my skirt down

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