It's him

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You stand before Soap's door, you knock, and after a few moments, the door swings open to reveal his welcoming smile. He pulls you into a warm hug, and for a moment, the stress of your day melts away in his embrace.

"I missed you," Soap says sincerely, his voice filled with genuine affection. "It feels like it's been forever since I last saw you. How did your mission go?" You step inside, and the weight of your recent experiences lingers in your words. "It went well," you reply, your voice tinged with a hint of weariness. "But honestly, I wish I could be happier about being back on base."

Soap's expression turns sympathetic, and he guides you to the small couch. "I'm really sorry about what Ghost did," he says softly, his eyes filled with understanding. "If there's anything I can do for you, anything at all, just ask."

"Did Gaz ever say anything to you about Ghost cheating?"

"That's how I found out, I came back from a mission two weeks ago, and Gaz told me the second he saw me. I went straight to Price to get a secure line to you, but he told me what he had planned. Believe me, lass, I couldn't believe it when Gaz said he didn't tell you. I was yelling at him and screaming at Ghost. I haven't talked to Ghost since." Before you could speak, there was a knock on the door, and Soap went to answer it. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw Gaz standing there, his eyes locking onto yours.

In an instant, you could see the regret in his eyes. Gaz pushed past Soap and walked up to you, his words rushing out as he apologized profusely. "I'm so sorry, I should have told you before you left on the mission. I wanted to, but I didn't want it to mess with your head and make you get yourself killed. I was planning on telling you when you got back."

As Gaz explained himself, you were torn between anger and understanding. The pain of being kept in the dark was still fresh, but you could see the genuine regret in his eyes. You weren't sure how to respond. Taking a deep breath, you thought about all the years you spent with Gaz and Soap. The three of you had been incredibly close, they were the only family you had. You knew that Gaz's decision to keep the secret from you wasn't a betrayal of your trust but an attempt to ensure you had a clear head on your mission. You took Gaz's hands in yours and met his gaze. "I forgive you, I understand that you were just trying to keep me safe."

A deep sigh escaped Gaz's lips, relief washing over his features. Without hesitation, he tackled you into a tight hug on the couch, a burst of laughter escaping both of you. Amidst the laughter, Soap chimed in from the background, his curiosity piqued. "What's this file?" he asked, holding up the folder Price had given you earlier.

Turning your attention to Soap, you replied, "That's actually why I came over to talk to you." He opened the folder and took a seat beside you. Gaz leaned over, peering at the documents.

"Price gave me the option to take this mission now to get away from everything or to take it next month as originally planned, I took it now. It's just... I don't know how long I'll be gone for this mission. This isn't some small cartel ring; I'm infiltrating the Russians. Precisely Makarov."

Soap's eyes widened as he heard the name Makarov. He took your hand in his, squeezing it gently, a mixture of concern and support in his touch.

"There's a chance I might die even attempting to join. I leave in two days...I just wanted to spend time with you guys, we haven't had time to do anything together for awhile."

"Lass, this is one hell of a mission," he said, his voice tinged with worry. "Was there no one else Price could have sent?" You sighed, shaking your head in response. "I'm the only one on the team that knows Russian. Laswell didn't want to send me either since the risks are just too high. But it's one we need to make."

"Fucking hell lass." Soap muttered under his breath. His eyes went to Gaz who was walking over to his mini fridge. He pulled out a bottle of scotch and vodka. He wore a mischievous grin as he walked up to you.

"They say Russians love to drink, might as well have you start a bit early," his smile grew as he handed you the bottle. You opened it, taking a small sip, and couldn't help but grimace at the bitterness. Gaz laughed and patted your back.

"Atta girl," he teased.

"I wish we could have taken a trip back to Scotland before going on this mission, that pastry shop your sister took us to was so good." Your mind drifted back to the previous year when Soap had taken you and Gaz to Scotland to meet his family. His parents had been so sweet and welcoming, his little sister was a lot like him, complete with the same penchant for terrible puns.

"How old is Sophia going to be this year?" you smile to yourself, wondering how she's doing. She was so sweet, you had slept in her room during your stay. She loved braiding your hair and all she talked about was how much she hated this one boy at her school. Deep down you knew she liked him. No one smiles that much talking about someone they hate.

"She's going to be 14 in December," Soap replied with a smile. Gaz leaned over you and passed the scotch to Soap. "Maybe you can take us again when this mission is over, once Makarov is dead."


For the rest of the night you guys drank and talked until you all eventually fell asleep. Over the next two days, you avoided Ghost's attempts to talk to you. You were quick to dismiss him each time he approached. Gaz and Soap did their best to provide you with distractions, taking you into town and doing anything they could to keep you away from the base and the weight of the mission. Now, it was the morning of the day you were leaving for Russia. Your bags were packed, and Gaz helped you carry them to the helipad. Along the way, Price stayed at your side, giving you one last rundown of the mission. They knew Makarov hated nothing more than the westerners.

Your mission was to infiltrate on behalf of exacting revenge for an airstrike that had killed your parents, a strike ordered by Western countries. You were meant to tell Makarov that you had information on General Shepherd and his Shadow Company. Laswell had a hunch that Makarov was targeting Graves and Shepherd, but she didn't know why. The information you carried was your bargaining chip, a way to stay alive long enough for Makarov to give you a chance to join his ranks.

Price handed you a small USB containing the information on Graves and Shepherd. After their betrayal, Price was more than happy to provide the intel. You bid your farewells to Price and then turned to Gaz and Soap. A smile graced your face as you pulled them into a tight hug, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.

"I'll be back soon, I promise,"

Soap gave you a stern look. "You better not get yourself killed, lass."

You shook your head. "I won't."

With one last squeeze, Gaz and Soap reluctantly let you go. You ran up the ramp of the helicopter as it slowly closed behind you.


Two men kicked the back of your legs making you drop to the floor. They ziptied your hands behind your back and put a black bag over your head. Laswell gave you a list of locations where one of Makarov's safehouses might be. After six tries you finally got the right one. They walked on either side of you dragging you along through various hallways and eventually an elevator. They opened a door, throwing you into a room.

"Who the fuck is this."

It's him.

After hearing all the audio files of his voice there was no doubt that Makarov was right in front of you. You heard a man to your left mutter something and the two men that brought you up were still behind you.

"Leave us."

You heard the door click behind you.

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