Chapter 4

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After a lot of panicking and searching for a way out the thick forest. They made it to the village called 'Solith' with some help from a little friend. They quickly made it to a tavern called 'Oak' with directions from some locals. They made it there and got a free room so they could clean and rest themselves for the night.

As the first rays of sunlight crept through the gaps in the blinds, the quiet calm of the morning was disturbed by the sounds of the waking world. The residents of the city emerged from their homes and gathered in the streets, greeting loved ones as they made their way to work or appointments. Despite the summer season, the pre-dawn air felt cool, most likely due to the rain from the night before. The residents wore warm, comfortable clothes to protect themselves from the chilly temperature.

As Chryses and Xavier snoozed on, the innkeeper made his rounds, knocking on their door to announce breakfast. Chryses lay in bed, his hair in disarray and a tranquil expression on his face, clearly having had a restful night's sleep. Xavier, on the other hand, was curled up in an unusual position, his body contorted as if he had been practicing gymnastics in his sleep.
The innkeeper's voice penetrated the door, filled with energy and zest.
"Good morning, my special guests! The time has come for a nourishing breakfast before your appointment with the healer. Would one of you care to respond?"
The innkeeper lingered outside, waiting for a sign of life.

Chryses rose from his bed with a heavy yawn, struggling to shake off the sleep that still clung to him. As he rubbed the fatigue from his eyes, he noticed the innkeeper knocking yet again, this time with more urgency in his voice. "Are you two still asleep? Breakfast will be gone soon!"

Chryses slowly made his way to the door, dragging himself out of bed with a slight shiver. He couldn't help but chuckle as he looked over at Xavier's bed, his friend contorting his body in such a strange position. The flower boy shook his head, grateful for the much-needed sleep he had managed to get the night before.

Suddenly, the innkeeper's third set of knocks snapped Chryses out of his amusement.
"Coming!" he called out, his voice heavy with reluctance as he quickly made his way to the door. Once he opened it, he saw the innkeeper standing outside, staring at him with an expression of impatience.
"It's breakfast time, you should get going sleepyhead!" The innkeeper said, crossing his arms.
"....Let me get ready first" he answered, reluctantly retreating back into his room, only for a few moments as he quickly changed into a pair of black pants, a white ruffled shirt, with a dirty orange colored long coat to finish the look. Chryses took a deep breath, realizing that they couldn't afford to keep the innkeeper waiting any longer. He opened the door after combing his messy black hair. Finding the innkeeper still in the same position, with a facial expression that said 'i have no idea how anyone could almost miss breakfast'
"Alright, alright, I'm coming" he said, his words still slightly heavy with sleepiness.
With a final stretch, he walked past the innkeeper and into the hallway, where he was greeted by the savory smell of breakfast. Chryses stood for a second and looked at the innkeeper, to ask where the dinning room is. The blonde innkeeper sigh.
"C'mon I'll show you the way"
Chryses smiled awkwardly "thanks" followed the innkeeper down to the dining room, his stomach rumbling in anticipation of the food to come. After walking downstairs and down a different hallway, they made it too the dinning room.
The 'oak wood' inn, despite it being the early hours of the morning, was filled with energy and life. The main dining area was bustling with activity, with patrons tucking into an array of dishes, ranging from meat-heavy plates to purely vegetable-based fare. Chryses looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the lively establishment. What caught his eye most, however, was the charming interior design, with its many wooden decorations and abundant greenery. With a sense of contentment, Chryses decided this would be a perfect place to rest before their journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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