The Beginning

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“Ric their coming!” Caroline yelled as she grabbed his hand with all her strength. They were in the emergency room giving birth to the twins. Caroline was in so much pain as the doctors instructed her to push and breathe. “I hate you, I hate you!” she screamed at Ric as she pushed with all her might. Alaric knew she didn’t mean this though and that she was just in pain.

Hours later Alaric Saltzemn stood with his two baby girls in front of him. Tears trickled down his face as he reached down and lightly touched his daughters faces. Only looking up when the doctor walked back in with a concerned look on his face.

“Ms. Forbes? Mr. Saltzman I have some news” Both parents looked at the man as he continued to read over some papers.

“What is it? Is it the babies?” Alaric asked as he looked back to his daughters.

“No. The babies are perfectly healthy but well.” The Doctor takes a deep breath before bringing a picture over to the two. “You're pregnant.” Both Alaric and Caroline looked at each other in shock. How could this have happened? This made no sense.

“What pregnant? But I just gave birth.”

“We aren’t sure how it happened but the baby looks to be about a month old. See that little dot right there? That's your baby.” Caroline grabbed the picture with shaky hands not believing what she was seeing although there wasn’t much to see as the baby was not very big. “Ill leave you two to process this information.” The doctor walks out and Caroline continues to look at the picture.

“How- Do you think it's Jo’s?” Caroline asked Alaric as she placed her hand on her stomach. Deep down she hoped it was hers. Having Lizzie and Josie was amazing and she was glad she was going to be able to play the mother role but she knew deep down that Jo would always be their mother. But maybe just maybe this baby was actually hers.

“I'm not sure. We can find out more once the baby is born. For now lets just enjoy the little miracle.”

9 months later:
“Alaric! I hate you! Why did you do this to me!” Caroline yelled once again as she gave birth.

“I know I know. Just a little longer”

After about 30 minutes Caroline was holding her beautiful baby girl to her chest as tears fell down her face.

“Did you think of a name?” Ric asked her as he sat by her side holding the little girl's finger.

“Nova Elena Saltzmen. Nova because it means light of the stars and she is a gift from them.” Caroline whispered not wanting to disturbed her daughter.

“Its perfect.”

3 Years Later:

Three girls, two blonde, one brunette, ran in field playing tag. The brunett, Josie, ran after her twin and her younger sister as she was it.

“Im going to get you!” the four year old yelled as she caught up to her younger sister Nova. Just as she was about to tag the younger girl her foot caught a rock and she fell down scrapping her leg.

“Jo Jo!” Nova yelled as she turned back towards her sister and crouched next to her. Josie had tears in her eyes as she held her leg as blood was dripping down it.

“Josie!” The other Blonde, Lizzie, yelled as she ran over to her sisters. Rubbing Josie arms she tried to comfort her twin while Nova looked for their father but he was nowhere in sight.

“Lizzie think Its broken.” Josie said to her twin as tears continued to poor out of her eyes and her leg started to turn a bluish purple.

“Is ok Jo Jo is ok.” The youngest of the three said as she reached out to touch her sisters leg. What they weren’t expecting though was for her hands to glow a white color and Josie's pain to go away as her leg started to heal. The twins looked down at Josie's legs in awe and confusion not understanding what had happened but when they looked back at their younger sister she had a small pair of white wings on her back.

As Lizzie went to say something their father came running over. “Come on girls time to go home” He said as he wrapped a blanket around Nova to hide the wings and double checked on Josie to make sure she was truly okay.

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