A long day

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Mekyle entered the house he had just come home from work, well work is what most people would call it but to  Mekyle it was more like torcher. He worked a simple office job for a gaming company. You may think that it doesn't sound so bad and that he was just exarating but you'd be wrong oh so very wrong. His co-workers were a bunch of lazy slobs  who didn't get any work done and his boss showed blatant favoritism, giving his least favorites all the work, inviting his favorites for company parties, overnight stays at luxury hotels and to top it all off his boss was none other than Dorian grey son of the famous engineering genius Richard grey. That means no matter what Mekyle or any of the employees said Dorian was protected by the honorable Grey name  and a Grey would never do anything bad. Enough about his boss Mekyle thought. He was finally home now so he could relax until tomorrow. Just as he was about to enter his room a voice rang out from the kitchen "Why are you home so late!" Ahh right his wife Caressa they were a case of the 'happily married couple that suddenly started fighting and may or may not get a divorce in the next year' "I had to work overtime you know my boss doesn't like me" Mekyle flatly stated not wanting to spend the little time for  relaxation he had fighting with his wife "that's what you said last time but guess what you were out drinking at some exotic club" Caressa spat spitefully "Christ You really won't let that go will you woman" Mekyle admits he had lied to his wife about working overtime while doing something he knew she wouldn't approve of. But that was only once or twice. That time he went to the Eden club to get a drink and relax after work and the Dragon drink pub that served some wicked good drinks. The drinks were so good that he had to go back a second, wait no that's not right Mekyle had been to the pub at least 7 or 8 times okay so maybe he did lie to his wife more than twice. But it made him angry that she was pressing him on where his been and who he's been with. She didn't understand she didn't get how stressful his job was he deserved a drink every once in a while. "Let it go hahah let it go you lied to me  went drinking and didn't even plan on telling me who knows how many more times you've lied and hide that fact from me" she yelled "oh don't pretend like you haven't lied to me before I know you still talk to you Ex and I know that you met up with him a few months ago" Mekyle barked back "Yeah so what if I did he treats me a whole lot better than you do in fact he's so much better than you are in every way he's better looking he works a higher paying job and doesn't complain about it unlike someone" ouch that one hurt more than expected "then why the hell did you even leave him why marry me in the first place if all you ever do is whine about how much I lack compared to him" Mekyle started to feel tears weal up in his eyes "I'm done arguing with you this conversation is over" before Caressa could respond with what Mekyle could only assume was an insult he slammed The door of his bedroom that was separated from Caressa's own. he took a shower to try to cool off as you might have realized by now but Mekyle's and Caressa's marriage hasn't been going well. Mekyle isn't even sure when or what caused them to start fighting. No longer could he recall the happy days filled with fun and romance hell he couldn't even remember what day they got married That says alot about him as a husband doesn't it. He stepped out of the shower and changed into pj's. He took a minute to stare at the photo on his bedside table it was a picture of his and Caressa when they were in highschool oh how he missed those days. The days when they were bright Young teens and only ever had assignments to worry about and what time they were going to get lunch if they bought lunch at all Mekyle sighed no point in swell on it now those days are long in the past. he was 26 now he has a awful job and an even worse wife but that's the reality of being an adult Mekyle chuckled to himself. Laying down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling he let's his mind wonder for a small while for a short moment forgetting about the stress of his job and wife praying and hoping that tomorrow all his problems would be solved. He knows that all they do is argue but deep down inside he loved Caressa. All he wanted was for them to be happy again. He hoped that cupid would shoot them with the same arrow that he did when they first met in highschool. Little did Mekyle know that his wish would soon come true in the most literal way possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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