~Chapter 4: Gossip #1~

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A While Later in the Morning
Cassandra had finally finished talking to one of her classmates, Hannah was walking with her from behind with Caitlyn beside her, Hannah couldn't stop thinking about that Enid girl from before, she wondered if she was in any of her classes, "You curious about something, Hannah?" someone asked from beside her, Hannah tenses up when she heard their voice and sees who was talking to her, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, are you okay? You seem off the edge since this morning" they asked concernedly, Hannah rubs her neck nervously, "Yeah, I just have a-lot on my mind just wondering something" Hannah explains "You don't have to tell me twice" they said "Can you tell me a little bit about Enid, Caitlyn?" Hannah asks "Enid?" Caitlyn was surprised when she heard the name, "Since when do you want to know about the other new girl?" she asks "I'm just curious, she seems different from all of us also you guys seem to know each other since forever even though it seemed like you were in a awkward situation" Hannah explains that was when Caitlyn's mood changed differently after she had mentioned Enid's name, "We used too be friends along time not so long before I came here, we texted and called then one day we stopped talking to each other because of our long distance, I was here at Raven City and she was at Riverside so we were distant for like a year" Caitlyn explains "What happened when you guys broke up your connection until now?" Hannah asks curiously "Why so interested and curious about our friendship?" Caitlyn asks suspiciously with a smirk knowing something was up, Hannah shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know probably because I want to know how it feels if I had friends far away in case if we end up in a awkward situation like you two did" Hannah explains "Oh please, we both know that's not the only reason you want to know about this awkward friendship we have. You just want to me to tell what she thinks" Caitlyn says, Hannah sighs defeated, "Busted" Hannah says "What do you want to know?" Caitlyn asks, Hannah thinks for a moment "How long have you both been friends?" Hannah asks, Caitlyn let's out a small chuckle, "When we were kids, she was always there when I needed her most especially when I had my ups and downs 24/7" Caitlyn explains "And I was definitely there for her 24/7 as well too until all of sudden whenever we got disconnected from each other, she had a-lot of family issues something to do with money and everything else from what I understand" she continues "What?" Hannah exclaims "Yeah, it's ridiculous and crazy. Right?" Caitlyn says, Hannah nods her head for an agreement, "Has she ever talked to you about anything when she went through all that?" Hannah asks, Caitlyn thinks for a second, "Actually yeah not too long ago, she did mention that she had broken up with her boyfriend Nick a year before having family problems because apparently he cheated on her with this girl, I guess her name is: Stella, I would assume but luckily she didn't think about being in another relationship after that, it was heartbreaking to see her broken all because of that jerk" Caitlyn continues on "Afterwards, Nick tried getting back with me when I simply told him that she's moved on from him but he didn't take it seriously, he was furious with her" she adds, Hannah couldn't believe what she was hearing from her about what had been going on, she almost felt bad for her.

As the three roommates made their first stop, "Here you go, Hannah. Your classroom" Cassandra says "Thanks" Hannah says walking inside of the classroom, "See ya later, Hannah" Caitlyn waves to her, Hannah waves back with a smile, "It seems you two are getting closer than I expected" Cassandra says, Caitlyn looks at her in confusion, "What do you mean, Cass?" Caitlyn asks "You know exactly where I'm coming from, she's basically into someone you know also when she first laid eyes on also you've been helpful to her, I wonder what that means" Cassandra says with an evil smirk, Caitlyn rolls her eyes, "Really, Cass. We're just friends that's it, is there something wrong with us being close friends more like is that all you ever care about is looking for a relationship with someone when you just already got out of one?" Caitlyn asked with her arms crossed, Cassandra rubs her arm nervously which made Caitlyn facepalm herself in the face, "What? It's not my fault that I look cute for every guy in this school" Cassandra says waving her hair around which annoyed Caitlyn, "Seriously, Cass? You don't even know how to flirt" Caitlyn corrected her, Cassandra stops her tracks to turn to herself around to look at her, "Yes, I do. I don't see you flirting with anyone so how would you know what is or isn't?" Cassandra argues "Oh yeah? Explain to me why I'm already seeing someone who isn't even close to me but gets me when I deal with someone who can be dramatic sometimes" Caitlyn says, Cassandra looks at her dumbfounded, "T-That's impossible, no one ever comes to you asks you out" Cassandra says, Caitlyn laughs slightly, "That's because I tell them to piss off, I already have a boyfriend who cares more about me than any of them" Caitlyn explains, Cassandra laughs at her, "Now let's go, we have to get to class" she says.

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