Who would ever love an Omega?

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Mr Ford Woke up in a hospittle bed with pink unicorns and rainbows on the walls. 

Mr Ford looked evrywhere for his backpack wher he ceeps all of the assensials for being a sience teacher. Full of books like "how to be a good Science teacher. with steps like 1. Help students, 2. Don't like Underage Mexican girls, 3. Dont be a warewolf.

Mr Ford always followed all the rules in that book without thought. Exept for step 3. Science teachers cant be warewolves. 

There then saw his backback with evrything!

 He quick pulled out a pink, furry, princess diary.

Dear Diary,

I Found the Perfact Alpha

He was a baddie biker with lisious hair.

But hes married to Ariana Grande!

But if he found out aboug me being a wolf, he probubly wouldent like me. He scemes to be a loner alpha. He dosent need an omega! He just needs Ariana Grande...

Love, Mr Ford

Mr Ford  saw a square tv with disney princesses on it wanting to watch the Series fannaly "Shreck Yourself before you Wreck Yourself: JoJo Siwa and Shrecks weeding." Its only avalable for one time. It should be comming up!

"It should Air any muinnet" Mr Ford said with exitement forgetting he was in a hospital bed.

He turned on the channel and said it aired 5 days ago. The news channel the turned on.

No! the full moon is today! 

 "The Take Lravis detective investegated the body and found that it was torn open by some sort of dangeus beast.
City officials say it it must have been the worck of a warewolf. Students and staff are advised to stay as far away as they can to Budson Hend middle school wile it is being put back together so evryone is safe. America's top warewolf hunter, Mr Beatty, is making it his mission to exturmanate the beast to prevent more harm"

Mr Ford turned of the TV in shock.
Mr ford coulent beleve it.
Mr Beatty was a Warewolf hunter!

A Beam of moonlight shined on Mr Ford. 

Mr Ford's eyes turned an Amber yellow, Fur sprouted out of his skin, long furry tail formed and he grew his signeture cat ears. he had to run where no one could find him!

Im the Alpha, Mr BeattyWhere stories live. Discover now