Truth or Truth (part 2)

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Summary: Chloe pushed Beca to admit her own feelings by confessing, and now Beca knows it's her turn. But the moment DJ Mitchell had the guts to kiss her long-time crush, Beca's mood was broken—will Chloe ever get the kiss she's wanted for so long?

Beca was in a half-asleep state. She knows she's sleeping—she can feel her surroundings. There's the soft duvet covering her and... a warm hand around her waist? When her senses began waking up, she realized that: a) She wasn't alone in her bed, b) Gladly, she still had her clothes on, and c) Chloe Beale was spooning her. With that realization, Beca's eyes sprang wide open and her heart raced: a mini-heart attack for someone who had just woken up.

The brunette tried to slip away from Chloe's embrace but she stirred in her sleep. Not to worry, Beca told herself, the redhead was a heavy sleeper... and a clingy one, at that.

"Hey," Beca started to say, her voice cracking in the middle of the word. Her throat was always dry in the morning. Since she was the little spoon, Beca had to exert some effort to gaze at the redhead clutching her behind her back.

Chloe smiled sleepily, her unbelievably long eyelashes fluttering, and went back to sleep again. To Beca's pleasure (and low-key dismay), Chloe detached her arms from Beca's waist.

"Great," Beca mumbled, checking the clock on her bedside table: 5:37AM. Why was she even awake in the first place? She wasn't a morning person at all, but kicking the peacefully sleeping ginger out of her bed was the last thing she'd want to do.

Beca propped herself on her elbows to check Fat Amy's side of the room. The bed was still untouched and empty since last night, probably a good sign that the blonde wasn't here to witness Beca and Chloe's episode. Nothing over PG-13 had happened. They just talked, and Chloe played with Beca's hair, and they fell asleep...

Last night, Chloe hadn't been sure how to move along from her "I was just waiting for you," statement. After she had said that, Beca was frozen. She had a deer-in-the-headlights look on her face, making her appear very innocent. The only thing the brunette could feel was the violent thumping of her heart and Chloe's soft hand on her shoulder. Even her breathing had seemed to stop. When she had seen Chloe take a shaky deep breath, her senses came back to life.

"Um," Beca had stammered, clearing her throat, biting her lip. Suddenly she had had the irrepressible urge to cry.

Panicked wasn't enough to describe how Chloe had felt. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, Beca—it wasn't very thoughtful of me to spring that up on you—"

Beca had quietly sat up on the bed. She had taken a few deep breaths, and when she got herself under control, she had told Chloe, "So this is what it feels like to be wanted."

Chloe tenderly smiled. Her eyes were soft as she looked into Beca's eyes the whole time.

"Not just wanted by any person... but by you. It's nice. Overwhelming, but nice. Makes me like you a lot more."


When Beca descended the stairs later around 8AM, the prevailing smell coffee met her. The Bellas were having their breakfast in the dining table and as usual, she was the last person downstairs. "Morning, awesome nerds," Beca greeted flatly. 8AM was still too early for her, making her slightly cranky.

"Hey, Beca," Chloe breathed, smiling at the brunette. "There's coffee in the pot if you want," she tipped her head towards the kitchen counter.

The other Bellas grew silent, all looking at each other and hiding their smiles. Of course, they knew from Chloe herself that she spent the night in Beca's bedroom. They were eager to hear exciting details, especially Emily, but Chloe had to disappoint them. "We didn't do anything, we just talked and then we fell asleep afterwards."

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