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Ignore mistakes🫠

Author's pov~

Then everyone eats cotton candy, and Jungkook offers some to Taehyung, who accepts it.

As they were eating, cotton candy accidentally sticks to Jungkook's face. Eunwoo remarks, "You're still the same," and is about to remove it from Jungkook's lips when

Taehyung intervenes, saying, "Eat properly," while using his thumb to clear the cotton candy.

Jungkook feels Taehyung's thumb on his lips, his heartbeat quickens.

Just then, Eunwoo suggests going on the last ride, and Taehyung responds, "Which ride is left now?"

So, Jungkook and Eunwoo suggest the Ferris wheel together, leaving Taehyung stunned. He hesitates and says, "No, let's go home." Jungkook insists, "Just one last ride, I promise."

Taehyung, internally struggling, thinks, "How do I tell them? I'm scared of Ferris wheel."

Then Taehyung says, "No, I'm not in the mood," but Eunwoo grabs Jungkook's hand and says, "Okay, you sit on the bench if you're scared."

Taehyung gets angry, about to speak, but Jungkook intervenes, "If you look only at me, you won't be scared. Let's hold hands." Saying this, Jungkook shows his bunny teeth, trying to reassure Taehyung.

" Saying this, Jungkook shows his bunny teeth, trying to reassure Taehyung

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Then Eunwoo reassures, "It's okay, Jungkook, I'm here."

Taehyung, tightly holding Jungkook's hand, says, "I'm coming." They board the ride,

and Taehyung sits next to Jungkook, gripping his hand. Taehyung hesitates, releases his hand, saying, "I don't feel scared." Jungkook pouts

Taehyung gets frightened; his heartbeat accelerates, and his body freezes. Sensing Taehyung's fear,

Jungkook teases by raising his hands in air while enjoying, making Taehyung grab onto his hands.

Then, Taehyung looks at Jungkook, not understanding why he feels jealous, unaware of why is he wearing that headband or why he chose to sit on this ride

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Then, Taehyung looks at Jungkook, not understanding why he feels jealous, unaware of why is he wearing that headband or why he chose to sit on this ride.

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