Voyage to Kanto

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First time writing a Pokémon Fanfic so let me know what you think, besides the pairing. This will just be one of many I'll do. What I do is mostly see how well I can do with characters from different shows and the like and try to add them to my other stories. I won't do any Original Characters in the first few chapters, only when needed as this will be a collection of One-shots. You can expect quite a few AU's here. There will also be mentions of other pairings, but only certain characters will have the honor of being bashed *cough*Conway*cough*.

Enjoy. I don't own Pokémon. If I did, Ash would've aged up throughout the series, not stay as a ten year old for twenty five freaking years!

Also, as a quick note, I know that Americans will definitely know the reference for a restaurant, but I'm sure many others will know as well. Besides, the food is Finger Lickin Good!

Also, I know many of you won't be getting any updates for stories for a while if you do add this one due to an ongoing issue. Just try to be patient and wait it out. (Trust me. I know how annoying it is)

Waves crashed into the side of the ship as the storm began to grow. On their trip back to the Kanto region, Ash and Brock were caught in the middle of a massive storm. Both were returning from the Sinnoh region, where Ash had placed 4th in the Lily of the Valley Conference. Despite not coming in first place, Ash was very proud of how well he was able to do after only coming in Top 8 in his last two league runs. From Top 16 during his first adventure all the way to top 4 in Sinnoh.

Brock was also happy for his friend who he considered another brother. They had been through a lot together and was happy that Ash did as well as he did. He knew that part of what helped Ash do as well as he did was the fact that he took some time off before heading for another league. He noticed it after he went from top 16 in the Indigo to Top 8 in the Silver Conference. That time in between, he had traveled to the Orange Islands and won the championship there.

By the time they made it to Hoenn, Ash was starting to show signs of being a true trainer and leader, even if he still had a few slip ups. Ash had learned to adapt and challenged himself by just bringing Pikachu with him. That had ended with Team Rocket attempting to once again steal Pikachu and another person's bike being fried like Colonel Oaks Fried Chicken. Despite all that, Ash had improved and Brock had expanded his knowledge on Pokémon for his own goals.

Now, with the two returning from Sinnoh, Brock noticed that Ash had looked down after leaving. While he could chalk it up to not winning another league, he had a feeling that it was something else. Brock watched Ash stare back at Sinnoh even when the ship had long left its shores. The look in Ash's eyes told him everything as he looked down at his right hand. The same one that he had given their travel companion throughout Sinnoh what might be their last high five in a while.

"Ash," Brock began. "Are you doing ok?" Ash looked at Brock and gave a small smile.

"No need to worry," Ash replied. "I'll be fine. Just sad that our time in Sinnoh was over." Brock however had known Ash for quite some time. He knew when something was bothering him and how to get him to talk.

"I know," Brock said. "Definitely one of our more crazy ones. Even to the point of the world ending from Team Galactic. It's sad that I actually preferred Team Rocket over these guys."

"I know," Ash commented. "I'm almost worried what organization I'll run into next. Still, it was a lot of fun seeing the region during everything."

:"I noticed that you started adding more contest style moves to your battling," Brock said, getting ready to finally get to the point. "Plus, you actually participated in a few. You never did that in Hoenn and only once in Kanto when we traveled with May and Max. Besides Ambipom, what made you want to try them more this time?"

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