Return from War

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This one will be based in my universe. Characters from other fandoms will be here as well as other places.

Dawn: Will there be a small summary?

Yes, there will be. I get that people won't understand what is going on with this one. So, to sum up what's going on, this is set in a universe I've started for my stories which will have different fandoms as well such as Digimon, Naruto, MLP, and the like. There are currently two large Empires fighting throughout the world and right now, Equestria is the main battleground. This universe is humanized in that area.

So, to explain what's going on, the Imperial Sixth Army had mostly gone traitor except for certain ones like Ash, Brock, James, and Paul. The remaining loyal soldiers helped to hold the line while the traitors were beaten by the combined Imperial 5th Army and Marines as well as the local allies. The loyal soldiers were soon disbanded and sent home while the Emperor decided what to do about the Sixth Army.

Ash: Big summary.

I know. Well, anyway, I don't own Pokémon and all that. Enjoy

As the train pulled into the Viridian City Station, the station emptied, with those remaining giving the passengers coming off the train a dirty look. The train that arrived was an Imperial Military Railroad steam engine, one that was bringing home soldiers from the front lines. Normally this would be a cause for celebration, but the ones on this train would receive none of that.

When the Imperial armies had left to stop their enemy's attack on a neutral nation, eight armies had left to fight, and now only seven were still active. One army and its leader had made his true colors known and declared his own empire. This empire was soon defeated when the Imperial 5th and Imperial Marines raced back to deal with the traitors. With the help of a few local forces, the traitors were surrounded and killed, not a single traitor was spared.

When the Emperor heard about the Sixth Army and those that remained loyal to him, he put the Sixth down as a decimated army and the entire area that the Sixth's Commander ruled was to be seized, the citizens of that are soon finding out what had happened. The citizens' reaction was immediate. The train bringing the loyal soldiers home was harassed, many people throwing stones at the coaches.

As the soldiers exited onto the station, they were met with boos and anything that people could find to throw at them. It was only due to the fact that the police were there holding back the crowd that they weren't being beaten. They knew that things could get hostile, but it almost looked as if the police were ready to let them be beaten. They were soon able to make it to the vehicles that would take them home, allowing them some respite hopefully.

"I can't believe how bad it was," Ash said, sporting a bruise on his arm from when an apple was thrown at him. "I knew that news got back quickly about the traitors, but it seems that we're taking the brunt of everything."

"Just like when we held that line at that little town," Paul commented. "When the reinforcements arrived, we weren't really given a warm greeting. They were willing to fight alongside us, but the damage was already done."

The others nodded as they arrived at Pallet Town. Ash had gotten off as the truck continued on to the next town. Ash had gotten lucky that he was dropped off in front of the house he lived in with his mother. Ash had joined the Imperial Army to try and get some money for his own house, but now that dream seemed unlikely to happen. He could only hope that someone else around these parts would offer him a decent job.

"Hey, Ash," a voice said from behind. Ash turned to see Gary walking up to him. "Came to make sure you made it back ok."

"Just barely," Ash replied, holding out his hand. Gary took it and the two friends shook hands, happy to see each other again. "Barely got away from the angry mob. If it's not your own allies wanting to kill you it's the people when you return."

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