Operation C.R.U.S.H

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V was discussing a mission and how they were going to act it out, but Numbuh infinity-S had something else on her mind.

“And that’s how we’re going to-“ Numuh 1 said, before looking Numbuh infinity-S who is looking at a picture. “Reyna Reyna? NUMBUH INFINITY-S!!” Numbuh 1 shouted. Numbuh infinity-S immediately looked up from the picture at Numbuh 1. “Huh? Oh- yes?” She said quickly. “Numbuh infinity-S, please focus if we’re discussing a mission.” Numbuh 1 said. Numbuh infinity-S nodded, and quickly put the picture in her pocket.
“At what where you looking at?” Asked Numbuh 3 with a smile plastered on her face. “I- uh- it’s nothing Kuki..” Numbuh infinity-S said quickly, and looked away blushing faintly. “C’mon Rey, we saw you looking at that picture of someone for like 5 minutes!” Said Numbuh 5.
Just before Numbuh infinity-S was going to response, a loud honk of a car came from outside of the treehouse. Sector V and
Numbuh infinity-S looked at each other before walking to the balcony of the treehouse.

Sector V and Numbuh infinity-S looked down and saw a limousine parked by their treehouse.
“Adults! Kids Next Door, battle stations!” Numbuh 1 said, as everyone ran downstairs with their KND weapons equipped.

Just as they arrived by the limo an adult woman with blonde medium hair stepped out of the limo,
Numbuh infinity-S immediately recognized her and yelled. “STOP!” Sector V immediately stopped, with Numbuh 2 falling over. “Guys don’t worry, she isn’t a threat.”
Numbuh infinity-S said, standing in between Sector V and the woman. “Not a threat? She’s a cruddy adult!” Numbuh 4 said, pointing his S.P.L.A.N.K.E.R at the woman. “She’s not just any adult! She’s uh..she my..”
Numbuh infinity-S sighed before saying. “She’s my guardian, Sheryl Rossel”
Sector V looked at Numbuh infinity-S with wide eyes. “Hello, sweetie. Are these your friends?” Sheryl asked sweetly, while giving me a headpat. “Uhm.. yes they are..”
Numbuh infinity-S said embarrassed. Sector V lowered their weapons, knowing that this adult isn’t a threat. “So, if this is your guardian, what is she doing here then?” Numbuh 2 asked. “I’m picking her up for a play date.” Sheryl said, as
Numbuh infinity-S blushed of embarrassment. “Sheryl!” Numbuh infinity-S said. “Sorry, sweetie. I’ll wait for you in the car, alright?” Sheryl said, before getting in to the limousine again.
Numbuh infinity-S looked at her friends again who are giggling and grinning, except for Numbuh 1. “What?”
Numbuh infinity-S said. “Aww, is lwittle Rweyna going on a lwittle pway date?” Numbuh 3 said teasingly, while the others started laughing (except for Numbuh 1 of course).
Numbuh infinity-S frowned and crossed her arms.
“Don’t worry Reyna, we’re just joking” Numbuh 5 said, and gave Numbuh infinity-S a little nudge with her elbow. “Uh-huh? I’ll see you guys after the play date.”
Numbuh infinity-S said and got in the limousine, before it started driving away.

“Hmm, i’m not pretty sure about this ‘play date’” Numbuh 1 said skeptical and crossed his arms. “Oh c’mon Numbuh 1, it’s just a play date.” Numbuh 2 said. “I know, but something just doesn’t feel right..” Numbuh 1 said, while thinking hard. “Let’s follow them just to be sure. We can’t risk that any Kids Next Door operative can be in danger.”

Meanwhile, Reyna and her guardian, Sheryl, were sitting in the back of the limousine.
Reyna took out the picture and looked at it again. She blushed a little and smiled faintly. Sheryl noticed this and took a peek at the picture, showing it’s a picture of the Delightful Children From Down The Lane. Sheryl giggled before saying “who’s that in the picture, sweetie?” Reyna quickly hid the picture behind her back, and looked at Sheryl with an innocent smile, before saying. “What picture?” Sheryl laughed a little and looked at Reyna. “You don’t have to be so secretive about it, honey. Crushes are normal for youngsters, even adults get crushes.” Reyna looked at the picture of the DCFDTL again, then smiled. “You’re right, but how can I tell them? They’re so..well..DELIGHTFUL!” Reyna said, and covered her face with her hands. “Don’t worry, just tell them when you’re ready.” Sheryl said, and gave Reyna another headpat. “Heh, thanks ma- i mean Sheryl!”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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