Everyone was on high alert.
4 killed.
One killer.Nobody even dared to leave their houses.
Fear struck everyone in town.
Including myself,
I refused to go anywhere alone,
even my own bedroom.There was nothing for weeks,
weeks I tell you,
we as people had even begun to believe we were...
safe.We were not as we soon learned.
Because on exactly November 3rd of Elise Kiesel was killed-No.
That is an understatement.
She was tortured.And this time,
we saw the process.
Because the killer posted the murder of Elise Kiesel to all of the world to see.
For us
to see.She was screaming the whole time,
The knife cut her cheeks to a smile,
blood dripped down her face and
that silly necklace Gwen and I always judged.The killer broke each individual bone,
and the poor 17 year old girl's scream poisoned our hearing.We were all scared for our lives at this point.
Any of us could die.
The killer showed no pattern.But the scariest part of Elise's death?
Probably the fact that when the video ended,
It was Elise's piercing blue eyes that stared at the screen through the killers hood.