someone's feeling bold today!

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My jaw drops. Did she just ask me to be her girlfriend? What the fuck is going on. I am so confused. This has to be a dream. I'm dreaming.

I pinch the skin of my arm.

"Um, hello??!! You're not in a dream, loser. I am asking you to be my girlfriend"  Olivia says, annoyed. "Well, my pretend girlfriend,"

I look at her incredulously, "Why would I be your pretend girlfriend?"

"Josh will see us together and realise what he's missing out on. It will break his heart, then he'll break up with stupid Maya and beg to get back together with me," she explains

"We'll get Jenna's attention too, and eventually, she'll leave her dumb boyfriend for you."

"The fuck? What do you think this is? A fanfiction? You're insane," I respond, blinking at Olivia, trying to process what she just proposed.

She didn't just suggest the most cliché romance story that only ever happens in movies and books. So many issues came to mind with this.

"What, so you're just gonna keep glaring at Jenna tongue-tying her boyfriend when she's not looking?" Olivia looks at me with an eyebrow raised and arms folded. "I notice it all the time, you know? In the hallways, in the cafeteria, and at the party."

Shit, do I do that? I didn't realise how attentive Olivia was. I also did not notice how much I actually do stare at Jenna when she's not looking. I hate seeing her with Alex, but I can't avoid her.

As absurd as Olivia's proposal sounded, it was actually kind of tempting now.

I let out a deep sigh. I couldn't believe I was actually contemplating going through with this stupid plan.

"Look, it might work for you and Josh. But we don't even know if Jenna would consider taking me back. She hasn't spoken to me ever since I came back" I voice my concerns. "She's obviously in the closet, or for all I know, she doesn't like me anymore. Or she could be straight now."

"It's not just you I notice looking at her. She steals glances at you too when you're not looking. Trust me. I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't think it through," Olivia asserted.

Wait, what? Is there actually a chance that Jenna thinks about me as much as I think about her? My mind raced with possibilities, but I tried to keep a level head. Maybe this could actually work, but my mind was still full of doubt.

I bite my lip, feeling more convinced now. For a few minutes, neither of us say anything, and we just stare at each other.

Maybe I should ask Isa first. I mean, this could go wrong in so many ways.

"Olivia, I don't know..." I say, about to back out.

"I'll give you my seat," she blinks.

Damn, she must REALLY want Josh back.

I'm starting to think that she might be desperate and that she clearly wants this more than I do. I fold my arms and try to see if I can get more out of this. "What else?"

"Hmmm.....I won't tell people that you watch me through my bedroom window like a perv."

My face goes bright red. Oh my god, she has eyes on the back of her head or something. If she's seen me watching her before, why does she act like she doesn't??? This bitch is so sneaky.

Olivia chuckles at my embarrassment, clearly enjoying the upper hand she has in this negotiation. "You're not as subtle as you think, Y/L/N. Now, do we have a deal or not?"

I hesitate, contemplating the potential consequences of this absurd plan. Part of me finds it ridiculous, but another part is intrigued by the possibility of reconnecting with Jenna. After a moment of internal conflict, I reluctantly shake Olivia's hand.

you belong with me - Olivia RodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now