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siyari - si-ari lanae daniels 19

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siyari - si-ari lanae daniels

Hearing my phone going off next to my head, I let it ring for a second before I decided to get up and look at my phone but I was so tired and my head felt so heavy in order to do anything as I literally just fell asleep not even a hour ago.

Answering the FaceTime call, I dropped my phone on the bed and placed my head back on the pillow "yes?" I mumbled.

"I know yo ass not sleeping" Reece chuckled but in this moment ain't nothing funny when I haven't slept.

"I just fell asleep" I grumbled "what do you want with me Reece?" I picked up my phone not bothering to show my face as I know I look a hot mess.

"I wanna know if you coming to my game and watch who you talking to" he shot back like I was being mean.

"You want me to come to your game right? Exactly so watch who you're talking to" I mocked "how many times I gotta say I'm coming to your game" I quickly scrolled down to my notification centre to see the date "I still got two days".

"Why you so mad that a nigga tryna see you right now" he said as he licked on his lips but I cannot take homeboy serious we been friends for too long so I see him as my homeboy nothing more, nothing less.

"Reece" I laughed "you can't be serious".

Around the end of middle school so right before our summer break, people used to come up talking bout some 'Reece likes youu'.

I never took none of that seriously as it was a lil rumour until we left for summer break everyone forgot about it.

Until the tenth grade Reece got a lil drunk at some party and rang the hell outta my phone that night, I answered the phone thinking some crazy happened to him at the party.

I don't why I thought that cause if that really happened you would call your parent or better yet the police so after my fourth panicked hello he finally spoke up saying..

'It's gon sound real crazy but I like you Siyari. I'm real drunk right now so I ain't gon remember none tomorrow. I just had to get that off my chest'.

My response was 'go home and get some rest Imma see you on Monday' since then we ain't never spoke about it, I don't know if he really forgot or if he just acting like it never happened.

I don't really care which one it is as long as he doesn't bring it back up I'm good.

"I'm a comedian?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows as he pointed at himself.

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