Chapter Twenty One

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I bite my lip nervously as I pace backstage. I decided to do the stupid interview, and the whole inspirational thought of telling the whole story was quickly dying as I saw how many people were in the audience.

"Relax. Just don't look at them."

I was glad I brought Jayden. He always relaxed me, but as of now his words were just floating around in the atmosphere and going nowhere near my ears and brain.

"And next we have Jessica Cortez the young girl who was kidnapped and lived to tell the tale. We'll be right back."

My head started to throb and my hands felt clammy and gross.

I wasn't sure why I talked myself into doing this. I absolutely hate attention and now hundreds of eyes would be on me. How was I supposed to know exactly what to say? I knew I supposed to tell the truth, but something told me that telling the complete and honest brutal truth would bring a storm that I wouldn't be able to control.

Jayden grabs me, snapping me out of my daze.

"Stop pacing like that. It's not that big of a deal."
" you— see how many people are here?" I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to to keep my breathing normal.

"They just want to know what happened. You report a story and then you get off stage. Easy." I was sure he was making it sound simpler than it was but it still sort of helped.

"And we're back, now introducing Jessica Cortez." I felt like puking my eyes out.

That's my name. They're calling me right now. Me.

"Don't be nervous." Jayden kisses my cheek before lightly pushing me towards the stage. As I walk I hear applause. I started to feel self-conscious and annoyingly self-aware. Why did I have to wear a dress? Who thought heels were good idea? Why'd I think this was smart  in the first place?

I sit down in the comfy chair prepared for me and the noise slowly dies down.

"Hello Jessica, how are you?"

She was a pretty woman, probably in her fifties with grey shoulder length hair and glasses. She sat with her ankles crossed leaning towards me slightly. She had a bit of lipstick on her teeth, but I didn't have the heart to tell her.

"I'm fine, and you?"

She dryly chuckles obviously wanting to skip the pleasantries and go right into the story. This was one of the few channels that was giving me full liberty, that's why Maria only allowed me to work with them. The other reporting channels were pissed but they didn't offer what this channel did— I was given full control. If I wanted to skip a question I could, if I wanted to go to commercial I could call it, and while the channel offered it, I could tell they were nervous I was going to be reckless or unreasonable.

"I'm great. So, you've been through a lot these past few years."

It's been more than a few measly years.

"How did this all start?"

I didn't feel any less nervous or any more comfortable. I don't know why I thought I would.

"Well my mom got pregnant at eighteen, her mother kicked her out. She lived with my father in a small apartment. He left me when I was around ten. During the time that she was with my father she had an affair creating my half sister Kaylee. Once my father left, my mother went to the man she had the affair with and married him."

The lady nods and the room went completely silent as soon as I began speaking, as if my words could cure diseases. It didn't help my internal anxious situation.

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