The next thing had me shocked my body frozed up my hands got shaky my legs gave out then I started to cry in disbelief I looked down and saw that prince was holding a ...... Ring not just any ring a marriage ring
Prince bends down to my level on the on floor
Prince:(smiles) will you marry me
Me:this is too much in one day prince (gets up and walks upstairs)
I went and took a long shower then but on a baggy grey sweat shirt and some boxers then got into me and princes bed and fell asleep I was awoken by a pair of arms pulling me close I knew it was prince he winded our fingers together and I let him. Then he started to talk to me
Prince: I really want you to think about becoming my wife (kisses my shoulder) I love you
I fell back asleep
Do I love him?
Will he change if I say yes?
What's going to happen with me and roc?