Bonds Of Friendship(Chapter 25)

637 7 1

(Tatsumi Port Island)

-Back Alley-

Ken is crouching in the shadows

Ken is silently looking down

Akihiko: You look half dead.

Akihiko said as he approach Ken

But Ken still silent in response

Akihiko: What are you doing here?

Akihiko ask but still gain silence

Then Ken spoke

Ken: When mom died protecting me, no one would believe the real reason for her death. To this day, it's still on file as unexplained accident. That's why I wanted to make it clear. I thought that's what she would have wanted. Maybe then she'd finally be at peace. They said she died by some violent crime, right? No one know the truth. Just like mom. And once again, I'll be left behind.

Ken said and looked at Akihiko then again looked down

Akihiko: The dead are never coming back. You have to accept that. You're on your own now.

Akihiko said as Ken sigh and look at him

Akihiko: I'm not here to drag you back. You can stay in this place until you die, if that's what you want. But if you still have the will to fight, then come back and stand on your own two feet.

Akihiko said and turn his back on Ken and leave

Ken: He's right.

Ken said as he turned away from Akihiko as he left

Ken: I've known it all along; I've just been lying to myself. I was consumed by hatred. I couldn't face the thought of being alone. But that exactly what happened.

Ken said to himself and slammed his fist into the cold wall

Ken: All this time, I've been running away.

Ken said and sigh

Ken soon stood up

Ken: I've made up my mind. I won't run away. I swear. That I won't run anymore. Shinjiro-san... I'll see it through to the end.

Ken said

The resolution in Ken's heart has awaken a new persona. Nemesis has given rise to Kala-Nemi

Ken: I'll be okay now, mom... Goodbye.

Ken said with a smile

( Iwatodai )

- Dormitory -

- Lounge -

All S.E.E.S members are present with the exception of Ken, Akihiko and (Y/N)

Yukari: It's already been a day.

Yukari said

Mitsuru: Yes, It has.

Mitsuru agreed

Junpei: So, Where's Akihiko-san?

Junpei ask everyone in general

Fuuka: He said leave Ken-kun alone, but I don't know. Maybe we should look for him.

Fuuka answered Junpei

Mitsuru: What's your opinion?

Mitsuru ask addressing the twins

Minako: Let's start looking.

Minako said clearly worried

Yukari: You think so, too...? He IS still a kid.

Yukari said

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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