Chapter 4: Clash (pt. 1)

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     Megatron straightened, a wide smirk quickly replacing his surprise. "How good of you, Optimus Prime to arrive at the end of the battle, just when I claim the Mini-Con as my own." Stepping forward, he slammed a foot down between the two covering forms in the dirt and the massive red and blue giant standing before him.

     Evelyn's eyes darted between the massive foot just in front of them and the newcomer on the other side. His posture radiated anger, but while he was much larger than any of the other robots, he still stood at least a head shorter than Megatron. Could he fight him? Could he save her and Headlight?

     Optimus Prime's hands clenched into fists. "I understand hunting Mini-Cons, Megatron. But leave innocent beings out of this!" His voice was cold, furious, and commanding, eyes narrowed dangerously.

     Evelyn's breath was coming in sharp desperate gasps and her eyes continued darting between the two. With a start, she realized Headlight was trembling. He'd jerked his head up when Optimus's voice had cut through, staring toward the sound. But then his arms had tightened around Evelyn and he'd buried his face in her shoulder. His eyes were shut tight and his frame was trembling. Evelyn stared at him, brow furrowed. He was shaking and frozen, just like he'd been in the tunnel. The sight of him like that made her heart ache.

     Megatron chuckled aloud. "Ah, yes. You do have a soft spot for pitiful, defenseless creatures, don't you, Prime?"

         'Is he distracted?' Evelyn wondered suddenly. The one he called Optimus Prime was trying to protect them, wasn't he? And for now (whether that was his purpose or not) he had Megatron distracted. Whatever way this battle was going to go, her only priority was to Get. Them. Outta there.

         'We can't just sit here,' she thought frantically. Pushing with one of her arms, she tried to prop them both up, but Headlight was heavier than she was expecting.

         "C'mon," she whispered. Headlight didn't move. His body was tight, his eyes shut as he softly mumbled to himself.

         "C'mon!" Evelyn pleaded urgently, shaking him vigorously. Something in her voice seemed to stir him. Shakily, groggily, he lifted his head, pulling away from her just a tad. Eyes wide and wild, he met Evelyn's gaze, searching. Slowly, his eyes seemed to clear and focus, looking into her own. He nodded, letting go of her as she started to rise shakily to her feet.

         "But I have work to do. Work that means capturing all these Mini-Cons and finally striking YOU down once and for all, Prime," Megatron's sneering voice boomed. His foot crashed against the ground just to their right. "And any creature who gets in my way will be crushed under my heel."

     Spinning, stomach plummeting, Evelyn jerked her head up just in time to see a flash of purple as Megatron thrust out a hand, snatching them both.

     Evelyn shrieked in pure terror as the enormous fingers clenched around her, turning her away from Headlight. He squealed in a breathless voice, desperately reaching for her. 

     Three quick thunderous footsteps was all Evelyn heard before something enormous slammed into Megatron's torso. The giant gasped in surprise as the weight knocked him backward, throwing him against the cliffside and tossing his hand to the side, knocking the fingers open. Evelyn didn't have time to scream before she was flying through the air. Something slammed into her, hard. The wind was knocked free and she could only lay for several heartbeats before she realized she was lying on the ground. Sprawled there, trying to catch her breath, she could only stare directly at the form of Optimus Prime, pinning the giant who'd threatened them down against the stone.

         "I- can't let you- do that- Megatron!" he grunted out angrily, voice tense and strained. Turning slightly, he looked toward Evelyn with one earnest eye. "You two. Go!" he cried, shoving Megatron back down as he tried to rise.

     She didn't have time to think anymore. 'Escape' was the only thing that registered in her petrified mind. Scrambling wildly to her feet, she twisted her head, looking until she saw where Headlight had fallen. She shot toward him.

     Shaking badly, he pushed himself upward, staring at them with wide eyes. Evelyn fell to her knees beside him, grabbing his elbow, ignoring the stinging scrapes over her legs. "We're getting out," she gasped, yanking on his arm. "We're getting out, we'regettingout!" Headlight stumbled up and she jerked him beside her as she started running, not sure if he was focused enough to transform. 

(A.N. Posting this short chapter was an accident! Chapter 4 was meant to be around 3,000 words, not 800. But since it was already out and people had already read it, I decided to roll with it. Sorry for the very short chapter! Pt 2 is coming out really soon.) 

(769 words)

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