Chapter 3: Ayan

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I headed toward the main den, hoping to find Amara. She hadn’t been in her nest when I’d woken, and I worried that she’d gone to the borders of Fiercerock. She had said yesterday that she might, but I’d thought that she had been joking. I guess Amara decided to go. I sighed. It was almost impossible to convince my sister not to do something when she set her mind to it.
I entered the main den, narrowing my eyes as light flooded through the entrance. I found Amara and Liana glaring at each other. Leo was looking cheerfully towards the dirt den entrance which I had come through. I walked towards Leo and stopped. I took one look at the female cubs and immediately thought Uh-oh! I knew that if we stayed here any longer we would get caught up in their fight, and the only thing scarier than that was to be attacked by a clan of hyenas (Not that it would ever happen)! So I quickly grabbed Leo by his scruff and dragged him out mumbling that we had to go to the Sun den.
I dragged him through the Sun den entrance and pulled him in. I dropped Leo and collapsed on a sun rock, panting. Leo picked himself up and walked over to the formation of rocks, and plopped down on the rock next to me. We sat in silence for a few heartbeats.
“Ayan, why did you pull me from the main den?” Leo asked quietly
“Couldn’t you see that Amara and Liana were having a fight?” I snapped
“Really?” Leo exclaimed, looking surprised
“Yes, they were. I didn’t want us to get caught in one of their fights again, so I had to do something” I responded, a bit exasperated
“Oh. I guess I need to get better at reading the den!” he chuckled.
I sighed “Yes, you do.”
We sat in the Sun den for a few  minutes, taking in the sun. Leo got up, stretching his legs
“Hey Ayan, do you want to go see if the lionesses caught any prey?” He asked.
“No thanks” I muttered, enjoying the feel of the sun on my fur. “But make sure you save some for me” Leo shrugged
“Okay. See you later.” he said
I relaxed on the warm rocks, relishing the cool breeze coming in from the main den. I felt my breathing slow and my last thought was I forgot to ask Amara where she’d been! Oh well. I can ask her later. Then I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about a juicy deer.

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