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Onze upon a time
I was depressed
But no one could see it

Wanted to stop everything
Flush it al down the drain

At that crucial moment
I found a stone
I didnt know
I didnt know that this stone was special

I took this stone to the sink
And poured Some water on it

Started Washing the dirt off
I couldn't believe my eyes

It was a Diamond
The diamond doesn't know it's a diamond
It's cloaked with dirt everytime it passes a mirror

I Google it's value and fine out it's rare
I want to sell it But I can't.

I love this diamond
This diamond brings me so much joy, love and happyness

What should I do?

Lay it with the rest of my stones or keep it close
I don't know what to do, so I just cruise and see Where it takes me.

But this stone is setting me straight
I got the power to Carry on with this diamond

This diamond makes sure I don't give up
This diamond, I try to uncloak it.

So the diamond knows it's worth..
If only the Diamond realizes it's worth, I Will be rich forever..

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