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Disclaimer: I do not own Ramen Wolf and Curry Tiger or any of its characters. All copyright belongs to their rightful owners.

I'm a bit bittersweet. At the time of posting this, only five more drafts remain for this series. I should explore into other characters to keep it going. Is anyone tired of this trope yet? XD

Also, I haven't seen any fics for these two. So, I'm biting the bullet to write my own little flash fiction for them! Hope y'all enjoy ^^

Jiro is beautiful, charming, and has a bubbly personality that leaves little to the imagination, Kagetora thinks.

He fumbles forward with the blindfold and when Jiro sits down at the picnic table, Kagetora removes it. He can see the canine drooling and gleaming as his eyes light up. He sniffs at the bowl wholeheartedly and whips his head to the tiger.

"You made this for me?"

"Uh, yeah. It's homemade curry. I know it's not ramen, but I hope you love it— Are you crying?! I'm sorry, I can go get some ramen if that will make you feel better." Panic fills Kagetora, and he waves his hands uselessly, not sure what to do but, Jiro shakes his head.

"No, no, I'm just really happy right now," Jiro says between sobs. "I finally get to taste Kagetora's cooking. Thank you so much! Don't be a stranger. You come eat, too." Kagetora sighs in relief and starts to laugh. He's glad that his friend wasn't angry at him.

He sits across from Jiro where a second bowl of curry sits.

"Thanks for the meal!" they cry in unison before digging in. And Kagetora melts, his expression calming as his tastebuds flourish. He finishes his bowl and looks across to see Jiro finishing up as well. A full-bellied Jiro is a happy Jiro, and that's enough for him.

All of a sudden, there's a rumble in the sky. Clouds encircle and the wind starts to pull wet droplets onto them.

"We should go, it's going to rain," Kagetora mumbles but Jiro just stands up, gesturing for him to follow. "What are you doing?"

"Just trust me, Kagetora," Jiro says. In a heartbeat, Kagetora stands at the wolf's side. As the rain begins to pour, Jiro starts to move. And it takes a moment to click before Kagetora lets himself be led by the other.

They're dancing, moving in tandem like a well-oiled machine. Two men swish among mud and grass, laughter is shared between them. With a spin against cold water, a leap into sultry air, and fur damp and sticking in all directions; they continue to dance. When their silent song of rain and beast comes to an end, they bind together, arms wrapped around each other.

Kagetora's heart thumps in his chest like a piston. Like this, the wolf looks like a gift from the gods. Jiro smiles, sharp fangs gleaming as he speaks.

"Hey, Kagetora. I know this might seem out of the blue. I won't have any hard feelings if you want to refuse. But, I really want to kiss you right now," he says. Kagetora swallows, his throat bobbing at the motion and he swears that he might have been crying at that moment, lest only the rain knows the truth. Because he wants that more than anything.

He wants Jiro more than anything.

And so he returns the smile and leans close. "I would love that."

And Jiro closes the space between them. Kagetora's heart soars.

Dancing in the Rain (Mita Jiro x Yanagi Kagetora One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now