Luke Cutforth Broken... Part1

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Authors note: The name of the girl in this story is Esme don't ask why... I just like the name.
Luke's POV
He couldn't believe it was finished. Emma and him had broken up after arguing for two excruciatingly long months and he was glad.. Kind of. To Luke, Emma has been his everything and a cure for the depression he had once had but lately all they did was argue over YouTube videos/movies to watch/bills and how much time they were spending together. You see because Emma had more followers then Luke (much to his annoyance) it caused him and Emma to have less time together. He had never cared before but it had started getting worse two months back... No! Luke couldn't be sorry for himself, he knew the one thing that could always make him feel better...were his fans.

After opening a couple of letters Luke came across a very fancy one with a bright pink envelope and writing in gold saying 'I love Luke and trust me he is sexy!' This immediately made Luke smile as to him, he was just plain old Silly Luke. He opened the letter and found tons of stuff inside! He went to the letter first

Dear Luke Cutforth,
My name is Esme and I am your biggest fan! You always make me smile and I regularly sing your punk song at My college in Hastings. Your just such an inspiration and I adore you and your videos. I have to say my favourite video is when you were drunk painting, BEST VIDEO EVER! I have never been drunk in my life but watching you kinda made it look fun :-) Anyway I would love to chat with you sometime. I'm not on Twitter or anything (unless you count Google+) but I have a YouTube channel which is just my name! Oh I hope you don't mind the little bits and bobs I placed in the envelope, I don't know if you will like them but I thought some for them were cute and worth looking at, also there's some background about me in there and my phone number.... if your interested in saying Hi sometime. So to my favourite ginger YouTuber can I just say.... I LOOOOVE YOU!!!! P.s I feel like I was misinformed by your YouTube channels name it's says LukeIsNotSexy but yet you really are very good looking!
From your devoted fan,
Esme Wonderwall x
Luke was smiling because everything Esme had placed in the letter was positive and obviously accurate as she had mentioned his good looks... He laughed out loud and was surprised when a familiar voice cut off his laughter saying "What the hell are you laughing at?" It was Emma. The smile immediately evaporated off Luke's face as he said "What do you want?" Emma smirked "Just answer my question first." Luke looked at the letter that he was tightly holding "Fan Mail." Emma incredulously said "Wait! You get fan mail?!" Luke was angered by this response, Emma knew he got fan mail she was doing it because right now she was p***** off "Yeah I get fan mail, just like you! Now I don't even know what you are doing here but if your here to try and make me look stupid then don't bother! You have already broken my heart, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!" Luke breathed slowly as he then calmly said "Well? Answer my question then! What. Do. You. Want" Emma angrily just grabbed her bag and stormed out not even bothering to finish what she started.

Luke still fuming, sat back down and started going through the bits and bobs in the letter. He found Esme's phone number and quickly placed it in his 'special' drawer where he would keep it till later... Luke also found a illuminous pink paintbrush which had 'Drunk Luke is the best Luke' engraved on the side. He laughed so hard, oh my god he had to make another video using this, it was then that Luke came across photos of this BEAUTIFUL GIRL whom had long auburn/ginger coloured hair and deep green eyes... and a drawn on mustache. He stared for a while before continuing to the next picture, he saw Esme kissing the tiniest little dog and a caption that said R.I.P Misty the Dog cancer took your heart but it never took your soul....Luke became a little sad, maybe Misty was Esme's pet?
Esme.. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl!
The last thing he found in the envelope was a picture of him at his YouTube con last year, standing next to a gorgeous girl with green eyes and ginger/auburn hair... OMG! He remembered her! She and him both got in trouble for talking too long, he had disappointed most of his fans at that event and he could remember his apology video...
Sad times. Luke's eyes flickered back to the photo on his desk of him and Emma... Oh how did it get like this?! He placed the letter on the table and cried letting the tears fall onto Esme's photographed face. Luke knew he would call her but what he didn't know was what would happen next? :-D

Authors note: I LOVE LUKE AND EMMA!! I'm currently writing a story for Emma as well! They are both amazing and I hope no Esme's get in the way of their love... :-D Nor Emma's ever growing popularity on YouTube.. I know Luke will support her no matter how many fans she has.. Oh p.s don't ask what I was thinking when I said YouTube Con, I didn't know the name of the event they go to ! :-)

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