Maybe I shouldve gotten a ring

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Proposals weren't a thought that either male had thought of when they first started dating. Sure they're were the occasional thought between the two of them but they never stated it out loud to one another.

The first thought of proposals was sparked by both of them without the other knowing. They were talking about saving each other's birthdays. No not just their next birthday but all future birthdays. To both of them it sounded like a proposal but neither mentioned it.

The next thought was from Sasaki. His boyfriend had gotten him an earring cuff for his 19th birthday the box it came on however looked so much like a ring box it made his heart stop for a second before racing. That same day he went to get Miyano a bracelet to match his own. As he was at the jewelers the earring box came back into his mind. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his Miya Chan but knew it was to early to be thinking of that. Miya was only in his last year of high school while he himself only had just started college.

It was now almost Sasakis birthday 3 years later and Miyano wasn't 100% sure about what to get his beloved boyfriend but he had an idea. He had been on the phone with both Ogasawara and Kuresawa about his gift idea.

He was gonna propose to Sasaki on his 22nd birthday which was only a couple of days away. He had it all planned out,they were gonna go out to eat at a restaurant and when the time was right he was gonna pop the question.

Hiding the ring however was easier said than done. The 2 of them moved in together once Miyano started at the same college Sasaki was at. It was close to the school but it also let them see each other more despite their busy schedules when they were in college.

Later that same night during their nightly cuddle session Miyano looked up from the BL he was reading and asked Sasaki a question. "Shummei Senpai do you know what you want for your birthday?"

Sasaki chuckled at the blush spreading across his lovers face. "I'm happy as long as I have you Kazu." Miyanos face became even a darker red at this response and he buried his head into the taller ones chest. "Awe your so cute love even after all this time you still get so red" Sasaki kissed his lovers head before they both feel asleep in each others arms.

Miyano wasn't the only one hiding a ring from his lover. Sasaki however found it easier to hide the ring since he had Ogasawara hold onto it until the time was right.

Finally here we are the day of Sasakis birthday at the restaurant. They were having a nice time eating when Sasaki spoke up.  "Miya Chan you know how you asked me what I wanted as a birthday gift?" Miyano nodded as he looked into his boyfriends sparkling eyes. Sasaki secretly took the ring out of his pocket "Well the best gift you could give me is saying yes to this." Miyano was slightly confused before he saw his lover go on one knee.

Sasaki opened the ring box while Miyano lightly gasped with tears in his eyes. "Yoshikazu Miyano I've been in love with you since we met. I didn't know what these feelings were but I knew whatever that feeling was I knew I'd wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Sasaki looked right into miyanos eyes of which were filled with tears and his face was bright red. "of course I'll marry you in fact you beat me to it." Sasaki was confused until Miyano also pulled out a ring. They both looked at each other and laughed. "Great minds think alike" Sasaki had spoken out loud before getting cut off by lips on his own.

  After they finished kissing Miyano picked up the ring and slid it onto Sasakis finger while Sasaki slid his on his now fiancés finger.
Sasaki smiled at Miyano before putting an arm around the shorter males waist and pulling him closer.   "Let's go home now love" He mumbled against Miyanos hair.

Sasaki looked into miyanos eyes and only saw pure love and happiness in his golden eyes. "I love you so much I can't wait until your Yoshikazu Sasaki or until I'm Shummei Miyano. They looked into each others eyes and knew that this was only the beginning to the rest of their lives.

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