𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 003

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WE FINNLY ARRIVE AT THIS MEXICAN Restaurant . We all take a seat and I was going to take the seat in between Milagro and her grandma but she quickly moves and takes my seat and leaves me the seat next to Jamies. I look at her to thank her and she just looks at me with a smirk. I laugh it off and just take the seat.

No one orders food since they said they already ate so its only jaime and me eating. As Jaime is enjoying his tacos "it's so good to see some things never change ." jaime says as he takes the final bites of his tacos. I look up and see everyone glancing at each other weirdly and I already have a feeling its something they have to tell Jaime I can't just figure out what it could be.

"Mom and dad have something to tell you ." Milagro just lets out of the blue. Which made me want to look up because that explained the weird looks they were all giving each other. "Milagro" you hear ms Reyes tell her. "what he's already had his tacos. Now let him know the truth." she tells her back. At that moment I put my food down and just see what this was all about. "The truth? what is it? " Said Jaime now curious as-well. "we uh we." You can hear mr Reyes trying to get it out but he simply can't. "We're losing the house." Milagro spits out. Making Jaime spit out his drink to.

Hearing that made me stop as-well and directly turn to Jaime to see what his reaction was. " see he didn't take it that bad." Milagro finished off. "What losing the house, what does she mean losing the house." I can see the worried expression from Jaime. At that moment I can see he wasn't processing it very well yet. Neither was I . "The landlord tripled the rent." Jamies dad said. "They gave us three months to come up with the money or get out." His mom followed

"Im sorry flaquito." His mom told him rubbing his hand. "No ma don't be sorry , it's not your fault it just means that we're going to have to buss our ass in the shop right. " "uh auto shop is gone." Milagro said. "how." jaime replied even more worried now. "You can thank kord for that." Uncle Rudy replied . " he couldn't keep up, especially since your dad he .." You can see ms Reyes did not want to finish that sentence up. "dad had a heart attack." Milagro said.

Once she said that I looked back up at Jaime and now he defitnily didn't know hoe to feel. I could see it in him. Thats when he finally turned around and looked at me. Thats the first time he acknowledged that I was here after sitting down. You could tell when he looked at me in the eyes he wanted to cry. I saw it. I know him like the back of my hand.

"WHAT." Jaime let out one more time. "im fine , Sólo una tubería tapada , pero ahora estoy totalmente bien." He said. I looked over at him and send him a pleading look and he just smiled at me and rubbed my hand assuring me to that he was fine.

" It's okay Jaime were going to be just fine, we always are. right now were celebrating the first Reyes to graduate college and Ivy over here graduating a-swell like the bright smart women she is. " Mr Reyes says . Sending us both a big smile . As he said that I turn to look at Jaime and I grab his hand from under the table and give him a reassuring squeeze .

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬  𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬 / 𝐉𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now