5 - Run To You

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(Proof reading while listening this song was hard for me so idk if I corrected the mistakes lmaoo)

"What does he think of himself huh? Accepting a mistake is that hard for him? Why can't he simply confess that he did it all? Why is he playing such games? All of us could have a better future but he decided to ruin it. Then go on. I don't give two flying fucks." Jeonghan kept mumbling while walking back to his mansion through the forest.

It was when he felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist and the next second he was in the sky, being held by the most hated person, Choi Seungcheol.

"What the fuck do you want Seungcheol?!" Jeonghan yelled on top of his lungs.

Soon enough they landed at the far end of the forest beneath a beautiful shade made by the trees - nature's beauty.

"You." Seungcheol whispered while pinning the younger one against the wood, "I want you but you're way too stubborn."

"Shut up already." Jeonghan rolled his eyes, "Are you on a mission to hurt me again?"

"That's what you do not understand." Seungcheol looked away for a brief second before focusing back, "I can never hurt you Yoon Jeonghan."

"That's what we've been doing for years." Jeonghan chuckled bitterly, "Hurting each other."

"At least you know that your actions do hurt me." Seungcheol retorted the humourless grin.

"Stop fucking playing with words." Jeonghan pushed the older away and began to leave.

Seungcheol grasped his arm again but Jeonghan was quick to summon a small blade and scratch his hand.

The scar on Seungcheol's palm healed immediately but the way he felt because of Jeonghan's choice to do so didn't heal at all.

"Don't. Touch. Me." Jeonghan warned, "I'm so tired of you. First you snatched away my everything, my self confidence, my pride, EVERYTHING. When I returned, you were ready to risk it all if it makes me feel hurt. And now you suddenly care? If it is true, then why didn't you try to find me when I was gone? Decades have been passed after that incident and you still don't know how the fuck I survived when I was not here."

"Would you tell me if I ask?" Seungcheol massaged his forehead, "When you came back, I tried to apologise to you for something that wasn't my fault. You pushed me away. What was I supposed to do?"

"Yes sir, you were right all the time." Jeonghan's voice dripped with sarcasm, "Spare me then? Why do you want to talk to such a pitiful culprit huh?"

"I'm so done with you."

"So am I." Jeonghan began to stomp out once again but he felt a sword resting against his neck.

He turned around to lock eyes with the blood red orbs of the enemy vampire.

Jeonghan scoffed. He recited a spell to summon his own sword within a few milliseconds.

Their weapons clashed against each other. After a few attacks, dodges, punches and kicks, both of them found themselves standing at a considerable distance.

Jeonghan initiated a run while aiming his sword directly against Seungcheol. And at the last moment, the older did the unexpected. He dropped his sword and surrendered while shutting his eyes just a second before the former's attack.

"You should take care of your health Seungcheol." Jeonghan caressed the older's forehead who was lying on the bed, snuggled within blankets.

Seungcheol sneezed before scoffing, "I know."

"I'll cook something, try to sleep until then." Jeonghan began to leave.

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