Chapter 1: The Doll

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Pitter patter pitter patter...

The rain was music to my ears as my family was making the move from our old town, Entity, to our new town, Dalia. My father, a strong man, was driving the moving van we had rented and my mother, a delicate and fragile woman, was driving the truck. My sister sat next to my in the back seat of the truck, listening to music on her iPod and reading a book. I smiled at the small 10 year old. She seemed to be in a different world as her eyes shimmered, scanning the words on the page. I looked out the window of the truck and placed my hand on the window. I felt like I was touching the water that smacked against the truck. The little droplets of rain slowly slid down the window, then collected more droplets and zoomed down the sheet of glass. I took my hand off the window.

It was a dreary day, miserable and rainy, however I enjoyed the rain. It was almost like the world was crying...

"Dominick?" a small voiced asked. I turned and saw my little sister poking my arm. Chelsea Bailey, a small 10 year old, shy but creative. She had long, strawberry blonde hair in low pigtails. She had a heart shaped face and an adorable smile. Her big, bright green eyes sparkled as they looked at me, questioningly. She always wore bright clothing and a thin light yellow hoodie. Today she wore a light pink skirt and purple T-shirt with her hoodie. Around her neck hung a heart shaped necklace her friend gave her before she died, however Chelsea never knew what happened to her friend.

"Yeah, Munchkin?" I asked.

"Are we almost home?" I took out the map and pointed to where I think we were.

"We're right here. Our home," I said, pointing to a mark on the map, "is right here. We have maybe half an hour if traffic doesn't get in our way."

Chelsea nodded and smiled. She went back to reading her book, fidgeting in her seat from excitement. I was happy to have such a positive attitude sister. She always made me smile and I always looked out for her. If anyone was ever mean, she ran to me, her big brother, and I stood up for her. There is nothing more important in the world than my little sister.

I looked out the window again, admiring the rainy scenery. Cars on the other side of the highway sped by, blurry from the rain. Green trees lined the highways, towering over them and getting pelted by the water from the sky. I look up, the sky gray and depressing. I lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes for a moment... Just one moment...

"Dominick!" a small voice squeaks. I open my eyes and see the sun shining brightly. I was still in the truck and my little sister yelling right next to my ear.

"What?" I asked, dazed.

"We're home! Come on Domi!" Chelsea got up and bolted out the door. I chuckled at the nickname she gave me and got out of the truck as well. My father parked the van right behind the truck and started opening the back so we could get the furniture out. I walked over and started unloading the van, Chelsea by my side the entire time. In about an hour, the van was unloaded and the furniture was in the house.

"Dom, can you set up your sister's room?" my father asked. He was a tall man, with tan skin and a movie star look to him. His hair was slowly turning gray, but he still seemed young in his own way. His dark stormy gray eyes, though stern, seemed to show happiness. I nodded and started gathering my sister's belongings. She helped by picking up her two stuffed animals and a box with some of her toys.

"Which room?" I asked.

"Upstairs, down the hall, third door on the right."

I nodded to my father and started walking upstairs with a few boxes. Chelsea followed quickly. The house was quite big but I'm sure it will be perfect for our family. Chelsea ran ahead of me into her new room and squealed in happiness. She placed the box and stuffed animals down and jumped for joy.

"Look at my room, Domi! It's my own room!" she exclaimed, flailing her arms and giggling. I smiled. She used to share a room with my parents since we didn't have enough room in our old house.

"Now you have to be a big girl and stay in your own room at night. No more bothering Mum and Dad," I said, placing the boxes down and starting to put her bed together. In 5 minutes, I set up her bed and began placing her furniture in her room. Once I was finished, I looked towards Chelsea and saw she was sitting on her window sill, sleeping peacefully and hugging her yellow stuffed bunny. I took a blanket from inside her closet and draped it over her. I quietly walked out of her now completed room. My parents and I continued unpacking and by nightfall, we were done. We ordered a pizza and sat in the living room, watching TV and talking.

"Mama! Daddy! I have a secret door in my closet!" Chelsea yelled excitedly. She ran into the living room and smiled. "Come look!"

We all got up and went to her room just to entertain her. When my parents looked inside the closet, their faces scrunched up in confusion.

"Chelsea, there's nothing there," my mom said.

"You don't see it?" Chelsea asked.

"No. Sorry sweetie," my dad said, patting her head. Our parents smiled at Chelsea, then left to get the pizza we ordered.

"Domi look! It's a secret door," Chelsea said, pointing at her closet. I took a look for myself, and was astonished to find a door hidden in the back of her closet. How did our parents miss this? It was a small light gray door in a white wall.

I looked back at my little sister as she smiled, eyes shimmering.

"Let's see what's inside," I said. She nodded and I grabbed the door knob. It was cold as I turned it, opening the door. Chelsea ducked under my arm and looked inside as I let go of the door.

Inside was a beautiful marionette doll, sitting slumped over, cobwebs and dust collecting all over her...

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