The holy land mezal-luc

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Mezal-luc is possibly the oldest of all the kingdoms, founded before the elves walked the continent, it is home to the spirit folk, magical beasts and constructs. It is located deep in the desert along the serpents river, thought to be the place from which the first gods were born and formed the other races.

Mezal-luc has a rich and thriving culture with deep traditions based around the worship of life and the importance of intimacy. It has a very open and accepting culture around sex and love, many of the inhabitants engaging in polygamy and having an open sex life.

The mezal-lucs put great importance on the act of intimacy and the circle of life, encouraging people to seek out relationships. Mezal-luc is ruled over by the spirit queen Ranni and the serpent king Cerys, also known as the great dragon. While these two rule together they aren't partners, instead Cerys rules over the physical plane while Ranni rules the spirit plane of the kingdom.

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