𝑺𝒊𝒄𝒌 // 𝑳𝒆𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏 ☁️

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Ship : Leo x Raven (Leven)
Genre : fluff ☁️
Warning(s) : cursing
A/n : there maybe be lots of spelling and grammar mistakes 😭

Ravens POV

I woke up to my body sweating and shivering. I felt like shit. My nose was blocked and my throat was really sore. My body felt heavy. With all the strength I had, I reached over to my to my bedside table to grab my phone. I turned it on and called Leo, while trying to keep his eyes open and kicking the sheets off of my drenched body. "Helllllo??" Leo answered with his soft but extroverted voice. "H-hey-" I said with my almost lost voice. "Are you okay?! You sound really sick!" He stated. "I-I'm ok-" I cut myself off to cough. "..I'm n-not ok.. i not f-feeling very w-..well" I studded with my shaky voice. "I'm coming over. If your not in bed, go now unless it's too hard for you. I won't be long!" He hangs up in a hurry. I'm lucky I'm already in bed. I haven't moved much at all. My arms feel like they have bricks on them. I've never felt this weak before. Is it just a cold? No. Colds aren't usually this bad... I must have a virus or something. Am I going to DIE??

About 10 minutes after Leo hung up on the phone, he arrived and is now sit on the bed next to raven checking his temperature. "You're 102 degrees" he said worried. "I-Is that b-bad?!" I studded. "Well it's not good.." Leo sighed and grabbed a damp face towel to put in my forehead. "Do I have a virus?" I said concerned. "I don't want spread it to you if I do.." my voice got softer and quieter from my sore throat. "If you didn't have a virus, then I'd take you to the doctors or the hospital, it just depends how bad it is, but you don't have a virus.. so don't stress" Leo put the cold, damp face towel on my warm head. "I don't?" I closed my eyes to the nice cool feeling of the face towel on my sweaty head. "Nope you just have the flu" he started to fan my face with a book that he found on my shelves. I don't know what I'd do without Leo. He's helped my with so many things. I don't know how to repay him for what he's done. I'm truly great full for him. That's why his my best friend... my-... best friend.

Some time had passed and Carly got me some medicine. I didn't want to have it because it smelt like shit but Leo made me. He laughed at the disgusted look on my face. I love his laugh. It's so cute. He's cute... what am I thinking! He's my best friend! I shouldn't be think that.

More time pasted and I grow more tired, but I couldn't fall asleep. I don't know why. I was feeling a bit better. I move around in bed to find a comfortable position, but I had no luck.
"I can be you're pillow if you'd like?" Leo whispered, sitting at the end of my bed. He hasn't left my side once since he got here. I paused for a second trying to comprehend what he said. I nodded. I lost my voice about an hour ago and I'm trying not to talk to get my voice back. Leo smiled and got in bed next to me, laying on his back. I rapped my arms around him with my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating. It was like music to my ears. The second I got comfortable I didn't want to move. His waist was so small. He's skin was soft. He smelt like lavender. I didn't want to move. "Are you comfortable now?" He whispered in my ear giving my shivers down my spine. "Yeh.." I said with my sore voice. Leo started playing with my hair. It felt nice. Relaxing. I wish I could stay here forever. My eyes were starting to close. It was hard to keep them open. "L-Leo..?" I studded. "Mm?" He replied. "I.." I struggled to say what I wanted to say. How would he react. "I love you" I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

"I love you too"

Hope you enjoyed this short story. I sorry if there are pets that don't make sense, I tried but I'm not too good with stuff like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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