Care For Her: Chapter 20

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Casey27 x Billie25 x Zaidee27
Little Billie💜

*Billie's POV*

I woke up alone in bed, a pounding in my head. Seeing the time, 9:15am, I went back to sleep.

Zaidee woke me up, peppering light kisses on my face. I groaned and rolled over pulling the covers over my head to block the sunlight.

"What's wrong, baby?" She stroked my back. I didn't respond, which made her slightly frustrated. Zaidee slowly took the cover off and asked me again.

"My head hurts, I just wanna sleep." I whispered, not even wanting to talk which I know she can sense.

"I'm sorry, love. I'll bring you food and some medication to help, ok?" She stroked my face lightly and I nodded. Zaidee kissed my forehead before heading out to make breakfast.

My eyes shut once more, feeling tears trickle down my face. I just want my mommies, a sob escaped my mouth. I fully slipped into little space.

A few minutes passed and Casey walked out of the restroom, freshly showered. Her smile dropped as she saw me.

*Casey's POV*

"What happened, angel?" I asked softly, moving over to sit next to her on our bed. She didn't respond, tears still streaming down her pretty face.

I realized she slipped deep into little space. Uh oh. She reached her arms out for me and I picked her up. Billie hid her head in my neck and started sucking her thumb.

I went to our nightstand and pulled out her cookie monster pacifier. "That's yucky, baby. Here." She hummed as she started bobbing it in her mouth.

Her tears stopped, but she's still very upset and letting out small whines. I walked to the kitchen, rubbing her back.

Zaidee had just finished cooking, she turned to look at us with a smile. She noticed the paci and cooed at Billie.

"Can you eat big girl food for me, darling?" She questioned, tilting her head. "What's wrong with her?" I sat down with Billie on my lap as she clutched to my chest.

"She has a headache. I need her to actually eat so she can take some pills." I nodded in understanding. I love when my wife gets all motherly and shit.

"Can you do that, honey?" I whispered in her ear and kissed her temple. She nodded, taking the paci out her mouth and setting it down on the table.

We ate pancakes with strawberries and bananas. Billie only ate half of what was on her plate, pushing Z's hand away and shaking her head. "Last one, c'mon." She reluctantly ate it and laid her head on my shoulder as Z and I finished eating.

Billie played with my necklace as we talked. "Time for your meds, baby." Billie took the pills before grabbing her paci and putting it back in her mouth.

Her hand lifted my shirt and rested on my stomach. We stayed like that for a bit. "Let's put her down for a nap." Zaidee picked Billie up and went back to the room as I cleaned up quickly.

When I got back to the room, Billie was suckling on her paci eyes fixated on the tv. I got into bed with them and cuddled into Billie. She hummed as I stroked her hair, finally going down for her nap.

Ten minutes later, we slipped out of the bed and put pillows around her so she wouldn't roll off. She tends to move around a lot in her sleep, especially when she's extremely little.

I set up the baby monitor just in case and we left the room. "You clean the restroom, I'll do the living room." Zaidee pat my chest, looking up at me.

"What?! No, I've done that the past three times it's your turn." I protested making her complain. "Just don't close the door or you'll kill yourself." I joked, remembering the last time she did that.

High off her ass.

"I don't wanna." She groaned in annoyance. "Well that's too bad." I pushed her in the direction of said restroom, not the one in our room.

"I hate you." Zaidee grumbled walking away, I slapped her ass making her shake her head at me.

I cleaned the living room and tidied up the kitchen a bit more. Billie started to whine, I turned to look at the monitor seeing her stretch and rub her eyes with her fists.

I washed my hands and went over to her. "Did you have a good nap?" Billie's hair was sprawled out all around her, she gave me a smile behind her paci.

"Mama." She mumbled, sitting up and hugging me. "Feel better?" Bil hummed in confirmation, making me smile.

"I'm glad, it's our job to care for you." I pecked her cheek eliciting a small giggle from her. Adorable.


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i love you🫶🏼🫶🏼

*forehead kiss* 😚

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