New Friends

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It's the first day of school and I'm so nervous I wish I could stay in bed. I get up to change and shower in the bathroom its got a shower that's also a bath and a two person sink. I dress in my uniform white polo tucked in, black blazer, and checkered skirt that goes to my lower thigh. I put on my spiked flower crown and applied my mascara and raspberry smash lipstick (made up the color) laced on my combat boots. I noticed my roommate still asleep and so a tried shaking her awake but she wouldn't budge. I grabbed my bag and locked the door. First class was homeroom. I sat down next to a girl with short black hair and blue eyes she had a chain on her pants like mine only it had the letter P on it. She saw me look and smiled. "The names Pet and you are?" "Its Yuki" "Cute name for a cute girl" I can't stop myself from smiling I look up to see Jake coming in late looking at me with a smirk on her face. She sat down on the other side of me and frowned when she saw who I was speaking to. "Hey Pet so I see you met my roommate" "Yea, Jake you didn't tell me she was so cute" Just then the bell rang and I looked at my schedule.





AP Biology


Study Hall

The bell rang and I get up to leave when someone grabs my arm. I turn to see Pet's dark blue manicured hand on me. "Wait me and some of my friends are going to my friends Angie and Sara's dorm 208 tonight, to hang out want to come." "I don't know I kinda just want Netflix and chill by myself in my room. So?" "Oh that's fine if you change your mind you know where to go" she says smiling and walks away. I can't believe it's my first day and everyone just can't wait to befriend me this is so strange but good. School came to an end and I walk in my room to see my roommate being mauled by some chic with piercings everywhere and I mean everywhere. Jake sees me and pushes her, wipes her mouth off and stares at me. Me being awkward as always backed up slowly out the room and back out to the hallway. My head was spinning. why did Jake stop to look at me, why do I care. So I decide to head to the party no way am I going to witnesses anymore of that. I walk to the dorm looking at the numbers 208 and knocked. Pet opens the door. "So you came after all why is that?" Pet says laughing to herself. "Changed my mind" little does she know I'm only here so I don't have to turn my headphones on full volume while rocking back and forth to drown out the moaning noises of my roommate and her guest. "Well, I'm glad you're here we've already starting playing." I look to see a small group sitting in a circle on a rug in very sad lighting. It looked like a seance so close to turning around just going to my last result, the library maybe even......NO outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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